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COP 25 in Madrid continues

The PC(USA) delegation at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP) 25 continues to participate in and observe exciting events and dialogues.

Bee Moorhead and Neddy Astudillo got to be part of a faith partners conversation with Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Photos from the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations (PMUN) office staff Sue Rheem on December 3rd show a full day at the COP with Climate Action from World Council of Churches, act alliance, and other ecumenical partners, discussions on Sustainable Development Goals, college students sharing about climate action, and faith leaders talking about hope and courage:

Ecumenical coalition demands climate justice

Panel on Sustainable Development Goals

University students from the United States sharing about climate action plans on their campuses to reach SDGs

Leaders from faith communities shared what gives them hope and courage in the face of climate change

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