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Container Gardening


‘There are certain, very stabilizing forces in gardening that can ground us when we are feeling shaky, uncertain, terrified really. It’s these predictable outcomes, predictable rhythms of the garden that are very comforting right now.’

— Rutgers University professor Joel Flagler

With many people confined to home during the COVID-19 outbreak, “now is a wonderful time to be a home gardener, because you’re home,” one veteran grower says. 

But where do you start?

Container planting is often a choice of home gardeners who don’t have the space to grow in-ground and must grow in alternative spaces, like a porch, deck, patio, or balcony.  In his recent post on the Kentucky State University (KSU) Cooperative Extension Program's blog, KSU Horticulture Extension Agent, Stephen Lewis offers an in depth look at Container Gardening. You can see his summary steps below and check out his full post here:

 Quick Summary of steps to creating a container garden:

  1. Choose a sunny location, south facing preferred, with a minimum of 8 hours sunlight.
  2. Choose a container that is the appropriate size for your to grow to maturity. Increase the size of the pot as plants outgrown them.
  3. Choose a good quality, well drained potting mix with, natural amendments like earthworm castings, kelp, bone and feather meal and other amendments
  4. Don't forget to add your trace minerals as well as calcium and magnesium supplements
  5. Decide the best way to water for you management schedule. Overhead vs drip irrigation vs self watering systems.
  6. Avoid situations that will create bacterial and fungal problems for your plants such as watering in the evening, on overcast days and lack of air circulation.

PHP understands that ending hunger and poverty can only happen by creating just economic policies and healthy, equitable food and farming systems. The ability to grow one's own food is an important piece of the food system.

The work of the Presbyterian Hunger Program is possible thanks to your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing.


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Topics: Agriculture, Creativity, Environment, Food, Food Justice, Hunger, Sustainability
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