After-Class Sessions
A letter from Myoung Ho Yang serving in Hong Kong
November 2016
Dear Friends,
Greetings from Hong Kong!
We came back from the U.S. after having had a very precious time in the States for our Interpretation Assignment (IA). The purpose of our visit was to share our ministry in Hong Kong, and for that reason we visited many churches and friends in the States. We felt strengthened and encouraged through those fellowships with you even though the time in the U.S.A. passed by very fast like a short dream. I believe it is the power of Christian fellowship in which we shared, loved each other, and prayed for each other. This beautiful memory of your smiles, big hugs, words of encouragement, and heartfelt prayers is encouraging us as we have begun the second term of our ministry as mission co-workers. We know that you remember us in your prayers, just as Paul says in his letter to the Romans that he remembers them in his prayers, asking God to give them the Spirit of wisdom and revelation (Eph. 1:16-17). We greatly appreciate your love and support.
Right after we returned Ji Yeon and I were sick for a week. It’s probably because of mold. During the summer while we were in the States it seems mold enjoyed the freedom to grow in one room even though we prepared for it before we left Hong Kong. Mold was everywhere: on the walls, floor, door, mattress, shoes... Even the air was not clear from mold. We couldn’t breathe when we entered the room. That’s the effect of humidity, which we hadn’t thought of. It took more than a week to get everything completely cleansed, but now life is back to normal for us in Hong Kong.
Again this year many new students have begun a new school year. In my class I have students from Hong Kong, mainland China, and Myanmar as in the previous semesters. Among them are two students who wanted to take my course but had difficulty in taking a course in English. I have suggested that they attend an extra session after class so I can go over the class with them in English and Chinese (I am still learning Chinese). It begins around 9:30 pm and sometimes ends around midnight. We enjoy this special session very much, and without realizing it, the time flies. For me, it is not only a time to help them but also an opportunity to learn about the churches in China. They hope to take another one of my courses next semester, too. I hope we can continue the after-class sessions with my improved Chinese. Ji Yeon and I continue to study Chinese this semester. It is time-consuming work, but it’s a blessing for us to have this opportunity to learn their language. We enjoy it very much, and anticipate better communication in Chinese in the near future.
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your prayers and financial support for our ministry. Your loving prayers and generous support help us to continue to serve in Hong Kong. We truly appreciate it. Please continue to pray for our students so that they can be well equipped as faithful spiritual leaders. Our partners, the Divinity School of Chung Chi College and the Hong Kong Christian Council, appreciate this partnership with Presbyterian World Mission, and with You(!) in helping to train strong leaders for the churches of Hong Kong and China.
We also would like to ask you to pray for the Christians in China. During a recent weekly chapel gathering at the school students cried out to God in prayers for justice and freedom in China, especially for the Chinese Christians enduring both visible and invisible hardships. They said as the prophet Habakkuk said, “How long, Lord, must we call for help and wait?” In fact, this prayer cannot be a petition only for China, but also for many other nations that have been suffering from war, violence, oppression, famine, poverty, natural disaster, and disease. Everyone present prayed to have God’s heart and eyes as we minister. I hope you also will remember these people in your prayers.
As we begin our second term we deeply meditate on one Bible passage that was engraved on our heart when we prepared for this journey two years ago. The Lord said through the prophet Habakkuk, “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” (Hab. 2:14). We would like to encourage you to continue to walk with us with this great vision in your heart as co-workers of God’s mission.
In Grace and Peace of Christ,
Myoung Ho and Ji Yeon
Please read this important message from Tony De La Rosa, Interim Executive Director, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you;
when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. (Isaiah 43:1b-2, NRSV)
Dear Friend of the Presbyterian Mission Agency:
Thank you for your prayers and for your financial support of and Myoung Ho Yang and Ji Yeon Yoo this year, and any previous year. We hear from our mission co-workers how much your prayerful financial support has meant to them. Please know that you are a vital part of ministries throughout Hong Kong.
Even as I thank you, I want to let you know that this is a critical time for our congregations and all people of faith to commit themselves to support mission co-workers like Myoung Ho and Ji Yeon. Our global church partners greatly value their service, and you well know how important this ministry is in building connections between the body of Christ in the U.S. and Hong Kong.
We have historically relied on endowment interest and the general offering from congregations to sustain the vital work of all of our mission workers. Those sources of funding have greatly diminished. It is only through the gifts of individuals and congregations that we are able to keep Ji Yeon and Myoung Ho doing the life-giving work God called them to do. A year ago, in May 2015, we had to recall some mission workers due to a lack of funding. World Mission communicated the challenge to you, and you responded decisively and generously. Through your response, we heard the Spirit remind us, “Fear not!”
Today, I’m asking you to consider an additional gift for this year, and to increase the gift you may consider for 2017. Sending and support costs include not only salary but also health insurance and retirement contributions, orientation, language training, housing, travel to the country of service, children’s education, emergency evacuation costs, and visa/passport costs.
My heartfelt thanks for your prayers and support of our Presbyterian mission co-workers. In the coming season, we will celebrate God’s sending of the Christ child, the source of the good news we share. May you experience anew the hope, peace, joy, and love that are ours because “perfect love casts out fear” (I John 4:18).
Thank you for saying “yes” to love.
With you in Christ,
Tony De La Rosa
Interim Executive Director, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)