통합 위원회
The Unification Commission
Would Like to Hear from You
Please send your feedback/questions for the commission to unification.commission@pcusa.org.
총회 사무국과 장로교 선교국의 통합을 감독하고 촉진하기 위한 이 위원회는 제 225회 총회(2022)에서 '상회비 헌금과 전국교회 재정 지속가능성에 관한 특별위원회' 보고서(FIN-10)의 건의안 1을 승인한 조치에 따라 만들어졌습니다.
예정된 회의
2024년 12월 14일
오후 3:00 - 5:00 (EST)
자세한 정보 또는 회의에 대한 연설 또는 참관:
알레한드라 셔먼
Additional information and resources are available on Equip.
The upcoming Unification Commission meeting agenda includes closed sessions, which will not be livestreamed.
Thursday, January 23: 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m.
Friday, January 24: 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. & 2:15 p.m.
These times are subject to change. Please see the latest meeting information on Equip.
Teaching Elder Debra Avery
Great Rivers Presbytery
Moving Forward Implementation Committee
Ruling Elder Carson Brown
Peace River Presbytery
Young Adult Advisory Delegate - GA225
Teaching Elder Dee Cooper
Denver Presbytery
Presbyterian Mission Agency Board
Teaching Elder David Davis
Coastlands Presbytery
Committee on the Office of the General Assembly
Teaching Elder Francis Lin
Riverside Presbytery
Teaching Elder Scott Lumsden
Seattle Presbytery
Per Capita and Financial Sustainability Special Committee
관련 직원
Barry Creech
Presbyterian Mission Agency
Kathy Lueckert
Administrative Services Group
Ruling Elder Emily Martin
North Central California Presbytery
Young Adult Advisory Delegate - GA225
Teaching Elder Felipe N. Martínez
Ohio Valley Presbytery
Commissioner - GA225
Ruling Elder José Rosa-Rivera
Presbiterio de San Juan
Per Capita and Financial Sustainability Special Committee
Ruling Elder Cristi Scott Ligon
Middle Tennessee Presbytery
Commissioner - GA225
Teaching Elder Bill Teng
Peace River Presbytery
PCUSA, A Corp Board
Ruling Elder Kris Thompson
National Capital Presbytery
Kerry Rice
Office of the General Assembly
통합 위원회에 관한 더 자세한 정보
- To pray for one another
- To speak and listen with respect
- To inhale and exhale, to remember to breathe
- To have a posture of open-mindedness, ready to listen, not quick to make decisions but to seek understanding first
- To offer grace as we share collective witness
- To address things authentically, transparently, and directly
- To make tough decisions
- To not be bound by our assumptions
- To be open to the Spirit’s new options we haven’t even considered
- To stay trusting in God
- To know when to speak and act, and know when to be quiet and wait for decisions to come in their time
- To be sensitive to the mindset of staff from OGA and PMA, to pray for them, to be a calming force
- To be consistent in how we communicate officially and unofficially
- To not take ourselves too seriously
- To support and care for one another
- To address things authentically, transparently, directly with the intention of gaining clarity in discussion.
- To assume good intentions.
Form a commission to oversee and facilitate the unification of the Office of the General Assembly (OGA) and the Presbyterian Mission Agency (PMA) into a single agency; revise the Organization for Mission to reflect this change; and work to align the entities, boards, committees, and constituent bodies of the General Assembly toward long-term faithfulness and financial sustainability of its mission within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
- The commission shall establish missional and ecclesial coordination and determine the strategies and priorities, across all entities, committees, and constituent bodies of the General Assembly where all available dollars, responsibilities, and charges are evaluated and unified to provide the best accomplishment of General Assembly goals.
- The commission shall provide governance for and have the authority to assume all governance functions of the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board (PMAB) and the Committee on the General Assembly (COGA) as the commission deems necessary.
- The commission will consult with representatives from OGA, PMA, and all other agencies, committees, staff, and PC(USA) entities and their boards, including the advocacy and advisory committees, and mid councils. Additionally, the executive leadership of PMA and OGA shall participate as requested.
- The commission will have the authority to review, adapt, align as necessary, and organize the role(s) and relationships of those committees of the General Assembly, entities, boards, committees and constituent bodies that are not explicitly established in the Book of Order toward long-term faithfulness, financial sustainability, and a unified new structure.
- This commission shall have the power to combine, unify, eliminate, and/or create any necessary organizational structure, including personnel and budget, to accomplish these missional strategies and priorities.
- The commission shall review, address, and align the financial agreements including per capita, restricted, and unrestricted funds, among the Foundation, the Presbyterian Mission Agency, the Office of the General Assembly, and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), A Corporation (A Corp) to support the new Organization for Mission so that each area of mission has adequate funds to sustain its mission long-term.
- This commission shall not have the power to change the boards or bylaws of the Board of Pensions (BOP), the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation (PPC), the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program, Inc. (PILP), the Presbyterian Foundation (PF), or the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), A Corp, but may make recommendations to these agencies in an effort to better align the mission goals and priorities of the General Assembly.
- Once unification is finalized, the commission shall determine the structure moving forward and present the new Organization for Mission to the 227th General Assembly (2026).
- Two members from the Per Capita and Financial Sustainability Committee
- One member of the Moving Forward Implementation Commission or its successor
- Two commissioners from the 225th General Assembly (2022)
- Two members-at-large from the larger church, including people with expertise in strategic planning, visioning, experience on administrative commissions and/or institutional reorganization
- One representative each from the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly, the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board, and the Board of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) A Corporation
- Two Young Adult Advisory Delegates from the 225th General Assembly (2022)
Alejandra Sherman
Executive Assistant for the President
Administrative Services Group
Open Meeting Policy
As approved by the 209th General Assembly (1997) and amended by the 218th General Assembly (2008), the Open Meeting Policy applies to the General Assembly and its related entities and work groups.