사회 정의 정책
사회 정의 정책
미국장로교의 사회 정의 정책은 사회 정의 정책 자문위원회(ACSWP)에 의해 형성되었으며, 윤리적, 도덕적 문제에 대한 사려 깊은 연구를 제공하고, 기독교인의 분별력을 키우며, 신앙적 행동을 위한 정책 권고를 통해 교회의 선지자적 역할을 감당합니다. 이 정책은 긴급한 사회적 관심사를 해결하여 교회가 사회에서 증거하도록 안내합니다.
The Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy is responsible for the process of developing and recommending social witness policy to the General Assembly. The term “social witness policy” refers to the positions adopted by the General Assembly to express its stance on and guide response to issues in the public order, including their relation to the church’s own life and mission. These positions may take the form of policy statements, resolutions, study papers, or social involvement reports, as defined in the Manual of the General Assembly, Guidelines and Policies of the General Assembly, p. 142.
다섯 가지 유형의 문서
Policy Statements: A “policy statement” establishes the fundamental principles that guide the denomination’s social witness. From this policy base a strategy is developed, a program is defined, and personal social witness is empowered. The most current policy document produced in conformance to the requirements of 2.a-g. of this document and adopted by a General Assembly shall be the policy in force. Any previous policies and statements, having been examined and considered by the group producing the new policy, shall be superseded by the adoption of the most current policy. When requests for policy statements are made, the most recent policy statement shall be given; however, past statements shall be included in full response to requests for information.
Resolution: A “resolution” applies existing policy statements to new circumstances.
Study Documents: A “study paper” is designed to stimulate churchwide study of a social concern, social witness policy, or social witness. It does not need to be an elaboration of existing policy statements.
Social Involvement Reports (also called Monitoring Reports): A “social involvement report” evaluates Presbyterian social witness in light of particular social concerns and existing policy statements.
Advice and Counsel Memorandums: An “Advice and Counsel Memorandum” (also known as an “A&C”) provides relevant background, context, and possible consequences of General Assembly action on overtures, reports, and actions that recommend policy direction or action on social witness. An A&C may also be addressed to the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board members as the Board deliberates, prepares recommendations for, or implements policies of the General Assembly.
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사회정의 정책 자문위원회
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