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You're Invited to a Celebration of Presbyterian Generosity


You’re invited to a celebration of Presbyterian generosity where Presbyterians from across the country will come together to proclaim with our actions – and with our gifts – that we are the Church, together!

And don’t worry – it will be socially distanced.

Given all that is going on in our world, it may feel like we don’t have much to celebrate, but that’s simply not true. We celebrate millions of dollars being granted in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic to congregations and mid councils across the country. We celebrate the continued efforts to eliminate structural racism in our society, including the Presbyterian Week of Action where we proudly proclaimed, “Presbyterians affirm Black Lives Matter.” We celebrate the ability to come together for a virtual General Assembly and all the hard work that made such a gathering possible. We celebrate the resources that have been created, the connections that have been made, and the grace that has been shared as we have all navigated through these past eight or so months the best we can.

This year’s Giving Tuesday celebration will look different than years’ past. In collaboration with the ministry areas of the Presbyterian Mission Agency as well as the Office of the General Assembly, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) will be hosting a 12-hour livestream on Giving Tuesday, December 1, that will be sure to entertain, inform, and inspire. The celebration will include worship, moments of prayer and reflection, highlights from our ministry areas, mental health breaks, and even a game show featuring our current General Assembly Co-Moderators, Elona Street-Stewart and Gregory Bentley, as contestants.

During the virtual celebration, we will be invited to express our gratitude to God for all God has done for us. Through our gifts, we can continue to be a healing presence to a world in need, being a church of action and reaching out to our siblings who are most marginalized. Gifts made on Giving Tuesday will support Shared Mission (unrestricted giving), Per Capita, and the Special Offerings, lifting up the work of the entire Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

As we reflect on all there is to celebrate, and as we are inspired to respond to God’s generosity, let us remember that we have been invited to be a Matthew 25 Church, to live out God’s call to be an active presence in the world.

You’re invited to a celebration! Will we see you there?


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