Minute for Mission: Mother's Day
May 8, 2016

In a small village in Africa, a middle-aged woman named Linley dreamed of becoming a small-business owner. However, famine and lack of access to capital made it difficult for Linley to achieve her dream.
In January 2014, Linley attended a local program sponsored by a Presbyterian World Mission partner, the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian, and learned about a project funded by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to help rural women save money and obtain loans.
The village’s savings and loan group was established, and Linley was one of its founding members. After three months, the group had accumulated enough money that members were able to start borrowing for their small businesses. Linley received a loan equal to about $76 to start a business selling produce, such as potatoes and vegetables.
Her business grew, and today Linley has installed a solar panel on her house, bought livestock, and secured a four-acre plot where she does irrigation farming. She uses her solar power to generate income by charging people’s mobile phone batteries for a small fee. The irrigation farming has allowed her to have food year-round, and the surplus is sold to help pay for her children’s school fees.
Your gifts to Healthy Women Healthy Families support projects like the one that created the village’s savings and loan group. Without donors’ support, Linley wouldn’t have been able to obtain a loan to start her own small business.
Healthy Women Healthy Families is a year-round support ministry of the Global Poverty program of Presbyterian World Mission in collaboration with Presbyterian Women. For more information, visit
Stephanie Caudill, Critical Global Initiatives, Presbyterian World Mission
PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff
Sunkyoo Park, PMA
Creston Parker, PAM
Shannon Parks-Beck, PMA
Let us pray
Creator God, we acknowledge that women in rural villages are seeking ways to alleviate poverty in their homes and communities. We pray for your protection of these women and ask for guidance as to how we can support their endeavors. We also pray for their health and well-being as well as that of their families. Amen.