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Mission Yearbook


Emergency assistance received in time of need

Professional headshot photo of Jenni against a leafy background.
Jenni Whitford (Contributed photo)

A single phone call nearly 20 years ago turned Jenni Whitford’s whole world upside down. 

Whitford and her young family had just returned from vacation when her husband’s workplace called. 

“I came home from a session meeting and got a call that my husband, Ken, had collapsed,” recalled Whitford, who was then serving as a three-quarter-time Christian educator in her home church, First Presbyterian Church in Jackson, Michigan.

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Let us join in prayer for:

John DePaul, Director, Enterprise Reporting & Analytics, Board of Pensions
Mark DeSantis, Vice President, IT Infrastructure & Security, Board of Pensions

Let us pray:

God of the new life, we ask that our hearts and minds might be open to new revelations of how we are called to serve you May your Spirit inspire us with new resurrection possibilities in Christ Jesus. Amen.