‘Participatory democracy can be fun’
August 11, 2022

Panelists recently convened to discuss protecting voting rights that in many states are increasingly imperiled decided by the end of the hourlong webinar that churches have an important role to play.
“I believe the church is an underutilized asset. Participatory democracy can be fun,” Valerie Rawls, co-visionary and co-founder of the EcoWomanist Institute, said during “Protecting Soul Rights: Voting and Human Dignity,” which was convened by the Center for Social Justice & Reconciliation and the Katie Geneva Cannon Center for Womanist Leadership at Union Presbyterian Seminary. “For us, [the church] is the place where we engage … a safe haven for information from trusted advisors and a body of believers.”
“Who do people want to hear from? Who do they trust? In the top five on the list are ministers,” said Barbara Arnwine, an attorney who’s president and founder of the Transformative Justice Coalition. “When they sit on their hands and they don’t engage, it’s a mistake. People want to hear from you. It’s you they trust.”

“America doesn’t behave as though [voting] is a right. There are so many ways you can get that right taken away,” said Andrea Miller, a member of the board of directors for the Center for Common Ground, a nonpartisan voting rights organization led by people of color. “Many of us have the ability to vote. But if you don’t use that ability, you’re going to lose it.”
View the webinar, moderated by Dr. Rodney S. Sadler Jr., the seminary’s Associate Professor of Bible and director of the CSJR, ">here.
Sadler said he and students recently returned from a civil rights travel seminar. “We saw pictures of freedom riders, buses burned out, people who’d been beaten and battered, and memorials to so many people,” maybe none more famous than Medgar Evers. “Voting rights are imperative for all of us. If we are to truly respect each and every individual, we need to respect their ability to go to the polls. What that fails, our nation is never quite what it’s meant to be.”

“We live in perilous times,” Sadler said, and that peril ratcheted up in 2013 following the U.S. Supreme Court’s Shelby County v. Holder decision, which opened the floodgates in many states to laws restricting voting.
Rawls said the EcoWomanist Institute has targeted turning out African American rural voters in Georgia. “During Covid, we were concerned with putting people in harm’s way, and so we leveraged a lot of technology,” Rawls said. One message invited voters to stand on the shoulders of civil rights pioneers including Fannie Lou Hamer and Rosa Parks. That same strategy can and will be used in other states, Rawls said. “The rural sector is waiting for us,” Rawls said. “When we started to just communicate using the voices of women these women respected, they said, ‘Wait. There’s a familiarity here. I will do the work my soul must have.”
One suggestion proposed by Arnwine: During a church event, pull out your phone and offer to help the person nearby to check their voter registration. “The churches can do this!” Arnwine said. “There is so much power at our fingertips we can use.”

Rawls has participated in voter registration events in church parking lots. “I think we need to go back to those good old days where church was a place of social and spiritual development,” Rawls said. “I believe the church can be revitalized” if it ministers to widespread public needs including economic development, education, public safety and housing, Rawls said. “If we put civic education back into church and Sunday school classes, we’ll be all right.”
It’s racism that drives anti-voting measures, Arnwine said. “We are better for the diversity, and instead we run and hide,” Arnwine said. “History will blame all of us for not fighting forthrightly and saying, ‘This racism that’s undermining our democracy has to end.’”
Sadler asked, “What’s one thing you would say to faith communities?”
“Be active,” Arnwine urged. “Commit yourselves to this fight on two levels: education and mobilization of the community you serve, and fight publicly for these voting rights laws. … Let’s just do better, and let’s be active. It’s essential to the future of the church.”
Mike Ferguson, Editor, Presbyterian News Service
Today's Focus: Protecting voting rights webinar
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