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Mission Yearbook


April 2

Grace Good Shepherd Church, McKinleyville, california: “the little church that could”

Presbytery of Redwoods


April 2, 2016

As a joint Presbyterian and Lutheran congregation since 1972, Grace Good Shepherd (GGS) in McKinleyville, California, has always focused on mission. Over the years, its outreach to the community has included partnerships with Head Start, the Family Resource Center and Women, Infants and Children, all of which are housed on the church campus. A community garden provides over $10,000 worth of fresh produce annually to their food pantry. In addition, the congregation sponsors mobile health and dental clinics each year, as well as an annual food program for seniors, and hosts a Christmas food gift card and toy drive.

GGS is just one example of how a small congregation can be involved in local, regional and national efforts to promote justice and mercy through connections with both the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the PC(USA). The congregation has hosted riders participating in the presbytery’s Pedal for Protein, a 420-mile bicycle ride that last year raised over $30,000 for food pantries throughout Northern California, as well given out $6,000 worth of food gift cards with the help of Thrivent Financial (ELCA). With support from the presbytery’s Peacemaking Committee, GGS is doing a series of educational events on peace and justice issues—including video journals to be broadcast on public television—witnessing against religious extremism.

Rev. Deborah Haffner Hubbard

Let us join in prayer for:

Rev. Deborah Haffner Hubbard (PC[USA])

Rev. Dr. Lynn Hubbard (ELCA)

(Co-pastors, Grace Good Shepherd Church)

 Presbytery Staff:

Robert E. Conover, Mission Presbyter/Stated Clerk

Pam Sommer, Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper

Patty Sanders, Hunger Action Advocate

 PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff

Tammy Lloyd, PMA

Helen Locklear,

Ann Logan, PMA

Let us pray

Gracious God, let us be mindful this day of those who are hungry, those who are fleeing violence and terror. We pray for peace and cry out for justice. Lord, help us to remember that Jesus taught us, “Those who live by the sword will die by the sword,” and we must do all we can to counteract the myth of redemptive violence with the nonviolent love found on the cross. In the name of Christ we pray. Amen.