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Where do your donations make an impact?

New map resource details partner initiatives, funding and opportunities

Guest Post by Margaret Mwale, Self-Development of People

Sometimes, when you donate money to a charitable cause, you have to hope and trust your funds have a direct influence on the people or the group you’re striving to help. With our new interactive Engagement Map, you can learn exactly where your donations to the One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) offering are having impact.

The Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP), Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), and the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People (SDOP) collaborated to develop this map which easily allows donors and others to connect to OGHS efforts in their communities, both in the U.S. and overseas. It is a tool that truly illustrates the breadth of the work performed across the church.

It is also a valuable tool for learning about the various volunteer, internship and advocacy opportunities offered by our program partners in ministry. My fellow colleagues in PHP and PDA invite you to take a close look to learn how our three ministries work together. Thank you for your generous contributions to the One Great Hour of Sharing offering that affirms God’s concern and love for people! Your contributions continue to positively impact thousands of lives in and outside the United States. Donations to OGHS are still made through the OGHS donations page.

Let us know what you think! We’d love your feedback, email with your comments or questions.

“The OGHS ministries are driven, not so much by who the recipients are, but by who we are – faithful and generous followers of Christ Jesus. As such, our intention is to follow the lead of Jesus who looks upon everyone as a valued child of God, worthy of God’s good gift of life abundant. This is our foundation and motive.”

The Reverend Joseph Johnson
Evergreen Presbyterian Church - Dothan, Alabama


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