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Special Offerings Update

My apologies for disappearing from the blogging world - summer is a busy time here, but it also brings several exciting things to share with you!

I met several of you at the 222nd General Assembly in Portland, and was able to share in person our newest Special Offerings resource. It is our first comprehensive resource to give a brief introduction to the work of PC(USA) Special Offerings. There is information about One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost Offering, Peace & Global Witness Offering, Christmas Joy Offering, and the Presbyterian Giving Catalog as it relates to the mission and ministry of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Copies can be ordered online for use in your congregation or mission committee.

I was also able to join 5,000 young people at the Presbyterian Youth Triennium, a recipient of Pentecost Offering funds. We had a blast in the photo booth, raised a ton of money for the Giving Catalog, and spent some amazing time in worship together. I can't wait to tell you more.

Coming soon, I've got several stories from congregations to share. Between traveling for GA and Triennium, I've heard so many of your great ideas I'm excited to share. We are also gearing up for Peace & Global Witness Offering promotion, and a new website to find Presbyterian Giving Catalog resources. Stay tuned!


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