Tech Tip Tuesday
Round-trip commute to Louisville + full day of meetings + wife and 9-month-old son with the stomach flu = no post yesterday... sorry about that! The good news, however, is that I seem to be immune to this current bug (famous last words, right?).
Okay, so, in last week's Tech-tip Tuesday post I walked you through how to find downloadable resources on the Special Offerings website. I noticed a few of you shared it via Facebook and Twitter, and I didn't receive any I-totally-do-NOT-understand-this type feedback, so I assume that means you found it helpful. Awesome.
Throughout this Tech-tips series, I plan on detailing all of the social media channels that we are currently using to share stories of gift impact, and otherwise engage with the denomination -- as well as some tips on you might best utilize these channels yourself. But, in lieu of another long instructional post, I'm going to first provide you with links to these channels so that you can check them out in advance at your own leisure. Keep in-mind that some of these accounts, like Facebook and Twitter, we use much more than others. In a perfect world each would be up-to-date, but it just hasn't happened yet ... One of these days!
Special Offerings Social Media Pages
We hope to connect with you soon!
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