Rev. Forsberg: Gratitude Amidst Grief in This Season of Joy
In a season filled with joy that celebrates the birth of our Savior, we can forget that for some, the pain of loss and the reality of grief lingers.
This year, the Christmas Joy Offering shared a Minute for Mission about Rev. Bob Forsberg, a servant of the Presbyterian Church who gave his life so generously to share the Gospel and serve God’s Kingdom. In the final years of his life, he needed financial assistance for extra medical care. Your generous gifts to the Christmas Joy Offering enabled the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions to help his family keep him in a familiar place as his increasingly frail mind caused him to need more support. In his life, Rev. Forsberg served as an example of generosity, service, and life-long dedication to Christ, and the Church was able to return some of that generosity in giving him dignity and comfort in his final days.
On December 28, 2017, the Lord called Rev. Forsberg home to eternal rest. His comfort and salvation now are known for sure, and we rejoice in the witness to the resurrection his life and death brings. Though his passing surely causes grief for his loved ones, his family extended a note of thanks to the Church, noting that his final days were more comfortable in his own familiar bed because of the support.
We extended our deepest condolences to the family of Rev. Forsberg, and with them, we thank our congregations for supporting the Christmas Joy Offering. Rev. Forsberg is just one example of how our Church is living the generosity displayed by so many of the leaders God has placed among us. May Rev. Forsberg’s family, and all who are experiencing the pain of grief or loss this season, find true peace and comfort through the love of God, the peace of Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
In Christ’s Service,
Bryce E. Wiebe
Director of Special Offerings & Appeals
Presbyterian Mission Agency
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