Serve (World Refugee Day)
There are many ways—big and small—that you and your congregation can show up for refugees in your community. Here are just a few.
- We Choose Welcome yard signs
- We Choose Welcome Action Guide
- Call to Peacemaking Immigration & Migration
- Preparing Welcome: A Study Guide for Congregations
- FIND OPPORTUNITIES for you and your church to welcome refugees and asylum seekers near where you live.
- PC(USA) Ukraine Response
- Our Call to Care: Restoring Welcome Through Refugee Resettlement webinar
- Church World Service opportunities for Refugee Resettlement
- Resources for Receiving and Accompanying Asylum seekers
- Toolkit for congregations sponsoring asylum seekers
- Video of Spokane, WA World Refugee Day 2022 Event, a helpful example
- A reflection on the launch of the new Central American Migration Network
Published Date
Apr 09, 2021