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Report of the Special Committee on Problem Pregnancies and Abortion

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The 200th General Assembly (1988) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, was asked to respond both to ever-increasing public turmoil over the issue of abortion and to turmoil within our own denomination, including numerous overtures in recent years asking that the General Assembly change, reconsider, or reaffirm the abortion policy expressed in the 1983 document, Covenant and Creation. The response of the 200th General Assembly (1988) was to mandate:

1. That the Moderator of the 200th General Assembly (1988) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) select a Task Force to conduct a study, to be completed within two years, of the National Conference on Abortion Perspectivesd, esigned to give forum to each different theological position in debate of the issues related to problem pregnancies and abortion, and that the members of the commissionr epresent he broadests pectrumo f theologicalp ositions within the church and in harmony with section 0-4.0403.

2. That the above study and other statements of past General Assemblies be used to formulate a new policy statement for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) concerning the issues related to problem pregnancies, including male responsibility and accountability, and abortion that speak within the theological, Scriptural, moral and ethical disciplines of the church. (Minutes, 1988, Part I, p. 1016)

Moderator C. Kenneth Hall, in response to the mandate of the assembly, appointed fourteen persons during the years of 1988 and 1989, paying special attention to representing diversity in racial and ethnic perspectives; having varieties in background, occupations, and theological perspectives; and making deliberate effort to have a balance of gender and views on abortion. Our work began in May 1989, just prior to the meeting of the 201st General Assembly (1989) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Published Date
Dec 01, 1992