Prayer for Rebuilding a Burned Church
To you, O god, from whose hands comes the work of creation so artfully designed, we pray that this work we have set out to do may be done in companionship with you.
May the work we have begun sing praise to you as do songbirds.
May the work we have begun add to the light of your presence because it is done with great love.
May the work your volunteers have begun be a shimmering mirror of your handiwork in the excellence of its execution, in the joy of doing it for its own sake, in our poverty of ownership over it, in our vulnerability to failure or success in our invitation for others to share in it and its bearing fruit for the world.
May we be aware that through this work we draw near to you.
We come to you, O God, with ready and willing hands. Amen.
Prayer by Harold Confer, Quaker Workcamps International
A Prayer for the Completion of a Burned Church
Our day ends here, O God, and we give thanks for this work.
Thank you for your grace in the difficult moments in rebuilding this church. We are grateful for the gift of community with all those who have shared this work.
Look with compassion upon any failure to treat each person we have met, whether friend or stranger, as Christ.
With your Holy help, on the next church, we will do better. Blessed are you who gives us a share in the work of recreating the world in love, justice, and peace. Amen.
Prayer by Harold Confer, Quaker Workcamps International