Prayer for the people of Aleppo
God our Peace, the Human One,
As we anticipate the coming of your glory in the form of a helpless infant,
hear our prayers for the children, women and men of Aleppo, Syria:
helpless in the face of warring powers,
bowed under the burden of violence, fear, and want.
We, who wait in hope and peace for the Star to rest over the place where the Child lies,
entreat you on behalf of our neighbors whose night skies are not shining with the Star of Promise,
but smudged with smoke and streaked with the light of mortar fire.
whose faces we may never see,
though they bear your image,
whose eyes, like ours, are watching in the night
and whose hearts, like our own, pray for peace.
Jesus, child whom Herod sought to kill,
Watch over your children in harm’s way this day, and these nights.
Grant strength and courage to emergency responders, neighbors, and strangers
who labor together to protect the weak, heal the wounded and bring those in harm’s way to safety.
Jesus, who found safety as a refugee in Egypt,
Protect those who flee for their lives from a broken city.
Impel the powers that war in their midst to grant sanctuary to these innocents.
Create a spirit of welcome among all who watch and pray for Aleppo,
Make us advocates for safe passage
Open our hearts and our homes, that those who flee may find refuge and rest.
Spirit of peace, Holy Comforter,
help us find courage, compassion, and hope.
Hover over the people of Aleppo, and shelter them under your wings.
Show us another way, your way,
and make us instruments of Peace. Amen
Rev. Dr. Laurie Kraus, Coordinator,
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Syria Situation from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance on Vimeo.