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A Prayer for Hiroshima Day

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Hiroshima Day is observed August 6th

God of our weary years and our silent tears,

This day of solemn remembrance, we remember the destruction wrought on Hiroshima, on Nagasaki, and we pray “never again.” 

Yet, so many long years since witnessing the dreadful cost of nuclear war,

we are still divided, still at risk, still unwilling to lay aside weapons of mass destruction.

A real threat of nuclear warfare is risen among us and it is clear we are still afraid.


We confess to you, God of Peace, our ongoing participation in cultures of death

                the ways we benefit from military might and the threat of nuclear destruction,

                our failure to resolve simmering disputes and build a future for all children free from fear.


Forgive, O loving God, the failure of your children that is represented in all war. In your loving mercy forgive our failure to make peace with one another.  Grant pardon and turn to a new way, to all who have contributed to war’s progress through ambition, belligerence, falsehood, suspicion, arrogance, animosity, and terror.


We thank you for those who even now work for peace and healing through diplomacy.  And we praise your name for the gifts of generosity, healing, courage, wisdom and love which are daily demonstrated by those who aid those who are uprooted, injured and dying in war’s terrible wake.  Grant them strength.


Triune God, grant us strength, mercy, and peace:

    …the strength of your love that conquers fear and evil

    …the mercy of your Son, who rebuked the way of violence by laying down his life             

    …the peace of your Spirit, beyond our divisions, to bind us together as one family

in your kindom of mercy and peace.


Lord, make us instruments of your peace.




The Rev. Dr. Laurie Kraus

Director, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

Published Date
Jul 31, 2017