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Bulletin Insert - Winter Storms 2015

Bulletin Insert - Winter Storms 2015

Snow and frigid temperatures are expected during winter months. But this year, the patience of some of our neighbors is being tested. Record snowfall – approximately 100 inches in one month – has fallen in Boston and parts of New England. Congregations and families here and in other communities are being affected both physically and economically.

Your One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) gifts are already providing assistance in places like the Synod of the Northeast, where 33 congregations and 7 immigrant fellowships have been affected. National Response Team members will help with assessments and emotional and spiritual care.

In many areas, the threat of additional snow and severe cold looms, as does the anticipation of fl ooding and damage from melting snow. Winter soon ends on the calendar, but its effects are likely to reach into the coming months.

Our brothers and sisters in affected areas need your help as they reach out with the love of Christ to help their communities recover. Will you stand in the GAP during this time of need?

Published Date
Mar 14, 2015