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Bulletin Insert - Ebola Crisis

Bulletin Insert - Ebola Crisis
The bulletin insert prints two per page.  Text that appears on the bulletin insert:


Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is responding to the Ebola crisis. Partners include the One Great Hour of Sharing West Africa Initiative (WAI), begun by the three OGHS programs in 2007 following years of civil war in Liberia and Sierra Leone; and ACT (Action by Churches Together) Alliance members.


The response has focused on supplying essential protective gear and supplies to protect medical workers; raising awareness on the symptoms of Ebola and prevention methods; and providing food assistance and food security.  Many communities are quarantined, and reports of food shortages abound. 


The outbreak, which has claimed thousands of lives, has spread rapidly to multiple countries, but those most affected are Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea.


With the local presence, credibility, and organizational structure of the WAI, its facilitators have been able to reach rural communities with necessary messages and assistance.  WAI is focused not only on the immediate medical crisis, but also on secondary impacts, including the economic and social well-being of communities in the region.


As the crisis continues, our partners and the people they serve will need our ongoing prayers and support. Please stand in the GAP for families affected by Ebola.


Give. Act. Pray.


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Published Date
Oct 14, 2014