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미국장로교 소개

Presbyterian World Mission currently has one couple serving as mission co-workers in Germany, working to assist Iranian Christians who have resettled in Germany and need resources for themselves and their families, including churches that speak their language and can address particular faith needs.

The main focus of the current work in Germany is around ecumenical partnerships in the region, particularly in relationship to migration and refugee issues including housing equality and integration into the host culture. Other ministry areas include building partnerships with German and regional European church entities for sustainable work together around issues of church vitality and its role in a changing society in regard to migration, racial reconciliation, and promoting peaceful engagement among neighbors.

About our work

Ryan and Alethia White

Alethia and Ryan collaborate with and support PC(USA)’s regional partnerships in the following countries: United Kingdom (England, Wales, and Scotland), the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary with support to some southern European partners (Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Greece). “The Matthew 25 foci and intersecting priorities help guide our conversations with partners discovering together opportunities for collaboration.”

For more information, please read Ryan and Alethia's profile page.

American Church in Berlin
Berliner Missionswerk
Berlin City Mission
Evangelical Church of Berlin-Brandenburg
Evangelical Church of Germany
Evangelical Church of the Union
Evangelical Mission Society in Germany
Conference of European Churches

The Conference of European Churches is a regional ecumenical organization. The movement that led to the creation of the CEC dates back to the Cold War, when a group of church leaders brought into conversation churches in European countries separated by different political, economic and social systems. CEC has sought to build bridges not only between Eastern and Western Europe but also been between minority and majority churches and between Christians of different confessional traditions.

Mission co-workers serving in this country

Ryan White -

Alethia White -

Mission Co-Worker Sending and Support

True mission partnership builds relationships by walking together in faith and friendship. Together we can build the body of Christ around the world!