basket holiday-bow
A diverse collection of people in a group

리서치 서비스

리서치 서비스는 과학적 조사와 보고를 통해 미국장로교가 사실에 근거한 결정을 내리도록 지원하고 있습니다. 모든 장로교인들과 대중이 이용할 수 있는 통계 데이터가 있습니다. 가장 최근의 작업 중 몇 가지를 간략하게 소개해 드리겠습니다.

우리가 하는 일

리서치 서비스는 기사 및 보고서, 인구통계 정보, 통계, 프로그램 평가 등 다양한 서비스를 제공합니다. 다음은 교회에 제공할 수 있는 몇 가지 추가 서비스입니다.

Research Services can provide services in:

  • program and process evaluation
  • congregational self-assessments and member surveys
  • meeting and conference evaluations
  • needs assessment
  • census data analysis
  • evaluations of church entities
  • focus groups
  • customer satisfaction surveys
  • resource evaluations
  • pre-testing of new resources
  • trend analysis

For information about research capabilities, email Susan Barnett (Director, Research Services).

Data from Church Trends is available for use by presbyteries, synods, and congregations.

In addition, we are willing to make these data available to researchers interested in conducting secondary analyses.

For information about available data or to order specific files, please contact Research Services.

Data from the Presbyterian Panel and denominational data are also available from the American Religion Data Archive.

We also have a wealth of resources available to congregations who want to know about their congregations and/or about their local communities. Our Help for Congregations page describes these resources.

Part of our mission is to seek feedback from the denomination. Help us in that effort by letting us know what’s on your mind:

  • If you have a specific research question, we’ll try to find an answer. (For more general questions, contact PresbyTel — the reference desk for the PC(USA) — providing answers to questions from members, elders, ministers, and others about the denomination’s resources and materials, programs, policies, and conferences and other events. PresbyTel can be reached at 800-872-3283 or send email to
  • If you have questions or feedback about our work, please let us know. Send such comments to Research Services.


전화: 800-728-7228 x5161

100 Witherspoon St.
Louisville, KY 40202-1396

교회의 사명을 지원하기

본 교단은 전 세계의 형제자매들을 지원하는 다양한 사역을 활발히 펼치고 있습니다. 여러분의 기부는 가장 필요한 곳에 전달됩니다!

최신 뉴스