basket holiday-bow
Gifts make a difference for the giver and the recipient

Teresa Mader, our project manager for the Presbyterian Giving Catalog, recently received a wonderful letter from the clerk of session, Sandra Silkey, from United Presbyterian Church in Princeton, Indiana. The young children of her church had a wonderful time learning about the people helped by items in the Giving Catalog, and raising funds to donate.

United PC_Princeton IN_4550
The children were motivated to help others after looking through the Presbyterian Giving Catalog and talking about how small gifts can make a big impact. They decided to wear animal costumes on One Great Hour of Sharing Sunday, and sell candy to raise money. Sandra writes, “Our congregation was surprised and very delighted to see small animals with baskets and Tootsie-Roll suckers come all through the church—selling their candy for only $.15 to $.20 and everyone could pat and pet the little animal heads! We ALL had a very good time and the children—most of all—when their baskets were checked—they had a total of $110.00… They were SO HAPPY!! The following Sunday, the children made their decisions on ‘what to send’—after discussing all the animals—they agreed on the following totaling $110.00:

  1. One family of chickens and one piglet
  2. Moringa tree seeds, and
  3. Farming tools.

Our children probably gained more from this than the recipients will—to give and know that your gifts will make a difference in someone’s life—and perhaps to even save that life—it was a good lesson for them! This was their gift from the Lord! ‘…it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts. 20:35)’”. These thoughtful children have already started thinking about next year!

The adults in the congregation also donated to One Great Hour of Sharing, and learned about the three programs supported by OGHS donations: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People. Their gifts will also make a difference.

Sandra writes, “Thank you to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), and to Teresa Mader and many more including our POV leaders. May the Lord bless and keep all of you!”

Fun fact: United Presbyterian Church was founded in 1810, but the state of Indiana was established in 1816. This congregation is 6 years older than its state! Thanks for the trivia, Sandra!


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