Meet us in St. Louis
The 223rd General Assembly (GA) kicks off this weekend in St. Louis, MO, and we are looking forward to spending the next week with thousands of other Presbyterians as we come together to witness for truth and justice in our communities and the world. In the midst of this action-packed week, the Special Offerings and Presbyterian Giving Catalog team – including Bryce Wiebe, Jon Reinink, Margaret Boone, and Teresa Mader – will be in the exhibition hall eager to speak to all those in attendance and share our work with the wider denomination.
Presbyterian Giving Catalog
The Giving Catalog will be at booth #422 having a ball with our brand new initiative, MaskParade Farm. We even built our very own barn for the occasion! Come by to learn more about this new activity as well as take pictures, share on social media, and use the hashtag #MaskParadeFarm. We’ll also have a Snapchat filter active throughout General Assembly, so snap away!
MaskParade isn’t limited just to GA. You can take this activity to your congregation using our downloadable activity sheet, and activity kits and mask kits are available at! The tone of the activity is light and joyful, but the impact of sustainable agriculture projects supported through the Giving Catalog is profound. We encourage you to reach out to us at or on social media if you have any questions.
Special Offerings
Right next to the Giving Catalog booth will be Special Offerings at booth #424. We will be celebrating all congregations and their support but particularly those that are Four for Four! What does it mean to be Four for Four? This means your congregation participates in all four Special Offerings – One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost, Peace & Global Witness, and Christmas Joy – within the calendar year. Stop by to learn if your church is Four for Four, and if not, learn more about how we can make that happen together.
You’ll also get a first look at our beautiful 2018 Peace & Global Witness Offering poster! The Peace & Global Witness Offering is the next on our calendar, taking place on World Communion Sunday (October 7), and we’d love the opportunity to talk with you about it, from resource access to ideas on how to use your local portion of the offering.
Swing by our booths (#422 & #424), score some swag, and chat with us a bit.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Get social with Specials Offerings and the Giving Catalog at GA!
Facebook - @SpecialOfferings
Facebook - @GivingCatalog
Twitter - @PCUSA_SO
Twitter - @PresbyGifts
Instagram - @Special_Offerings
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