Guest Post by Lucy Foster
Good morning! I’m Lucy Foster, chair of the Mission Peace Eco-Justice Committee at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Salem, OR.
Advent begins next Sunday, and with it, the time of Christmas preparation officially begins! I want to talk to you about giving opportunities. Are there people on your giving list that just don’t need another THING, or who would prefer a charitable contribution over another unnecessary bauble? Are you interested in doing something to help the less fortunate in our world in a truly meaningful way? Second Corinthians 9:11 reminds us, “You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God through us.”
You can give gifts, AND help the world by taking advantage of the resources we are putting right at your fingertips! Browse the Presbyterian Giving Catalog as a family. You’re sure to find some worthy cause somewhere in its pages!
Each gift depicted here exemplifies the work prayerfully carried out by ministries of the Presbyterian Mission Agency. You can be sure that your gift is filling a need, making an impact, and providing hope here in the United States and around the globe, showing God’s love in tangible as well as spiritual ways, and that your money is being well spent.
We hope you will find the Christmas giving opportunities to be meaningful and personally rewarding. May God be with you as you find the perfect match for your giving. Thank you.
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