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Election Day

“The 223rd General Assembly (2018) acts to lift up our church’s long commitments to active civic engagement, responsible citizenship, and prophetic witness; believing these commitments to be rooted in our faithful response to God’s call for Christians to be stewards of creation; and witnessing the corrosion of democratic institutions.” – General Assembly Minutes (2018)

Today is the Day! Don’t forget to vote.

Voters across this nation are heading to the polls! Remember that Voting is an Act of Faith. Today, we each have an opportunity to lift our voices, so to honor our church’s long commitments to civic engagement, responsible citizenship, and prophetic witness.

To find out your polling place or information about your state’s voting laws, visit the Lawyers’ Committee on Civil Rights and click on your state on the map.

If you feel that your right to vote is being threatened, please call for help.

Non-partisan election protection hotlines:

866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) – English language hotline

888-VE-Y-VOTA (888-839-8682) – Spanish language hotline

888-API-VOTE (888-274-8683) – Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Bengali, Hindi, Urdu and Tagalog hotline

844-YALLA-US (844-925-5287) – Arabic language hotline

301-818-VOTE (301-818-8683) – American Sign Language video call number

Text OUR VOTE to 97779 – SMS (text message) hotline (English)

KNOW YOUR RIGHTS (and of those around you)! You Have the Right to...

  • Receive a Ballot- If you are a registered voter, but your name is not on the rolls, you have the right to request a provisional ballot.

  • Use an Accessible Polling Place- If you are a person with physical disabilities and/or in need of language translation, you must be provided with accommodations and assistance in voting.

  • Review a Sample Ballot Before Voting- If you want to see a sample ballot in order to help you vote properly, you are entitled to do so.

  • Cast a Vote As Long As You Arrive Before the Poll Closes- If you are in line before the polls close, you are entitled to vote, no matter how long it may take.

  • Have Your Vote Count- If you fail to vote in some of the races on the ballot or if there is an error on your ballot and you fill out a provisional ballot instead, your vote must still be counted.



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