Every generous act of giving … is from above. — James 1:17
For those of us gathered together in Advent expectation, we know that the only perfect gift ever given was the one we received in Jesus Christ. At the Incarnation, we celebrate God who came to dwell among us, bringing light into darkness, and reconciliation to God and to one another. A perfect gift from a gracious God.
Although we cannot give the perfect gift, we can give generously, knowing, as the New Testament letter of James says, “every generous act of giving … is from above.” And, as important as gifts to loved ones are, the Church rejoices and gives in special ways, drawing us back, again and again, to a manger scene with bowed shepherds and joyous angels, and the truth of God’s perfect gift to us.
During the Advent and Christmas season, the Church’s response to God’s generosity takes on the very character of our Savior. Jesus came to lead God’s people, pointing to God through love and justice, peace and compassion, forgiveness and humility. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) reflects God’s gift to us, through the Christmas Joy Offering, with generous gifts supporting church leaders among us, retired, present and future, who have pointed us to God. For church workers in need of financial help, whether due to declining health or a catastrophic event, such as the Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, Christmas Joy provides for those needs through the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions.
Even as we support our current and former church leaders, God is calling new leaders for our Church and world, through the ministry of Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color. For students receiving scholarships and support at Menaul and Presbyterian Pan American secondary schools, and Stillman College, a Historically Black College, the generosity of Presbyterians means a brighter future and enhanced opportunities to use their talents and skills to serve God, the Church and the world for years to come.
We can never match God’s perfect gift in Jesus, but through the Christmas Joy Offering, we can testify to who we have known God to be. Our perfect gift comes from above. Our gifts reflect our generous God. Our gifts support leaders in our Church and world — past, present and future.
Let Us Pray
Jesus Christ, you are the perfect gift, given to lead us in the ways of redemption and peace.
You pointed us to God with your life.
We celebrate with the gift of our lives and support for our leaders, past, present and future.
May those who lead your Church point us always to you, and to your ways of joy, hope, love and peace.
Join Us
For more information and resources related to the Christmas Joy Offering, visit presbyterianmission.org/christmasjoy.
This post is based on the Minute for Mission script which can be found on our website as a script.
Please give generously to the Offering:
- Through your congregation
- Text JOY to 20222 to give $10
- Donate online
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