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In the aftermath of the Parkland, FL shooting

Photo by NRT member Kathy Broyard

On February 16th, two days after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, PDA National Response Team (NRT) members trained in responding to public violence arrived in the Presbytery of Tropical Florida to provide a ministry of presence. The NRT members joined the Presbytery for a community vigil and lead a discussion afterwards for pastors and faith leaders to discuss ways to deal with this tragedy and learn about PDA resources that are available to them. On Sunday the NRT members worshipped at PC(USA) churches nearby and were given the opportunity to give Minute for Missions on the work of PDA and their reasons for being present. NRT and PDA staff will continue to support the Presbytery as needs arise.

PDA staff assembled liturgical reflections churches can use as a resource in the aftermath of this tragedy.

Trigger, the award-winning documentary produced by PDA, frames gun violence as a disaster and public health issue.  It examines how one shooting impacts individuals, families and communities and gives voice to the questions and insights that arise. The full film and relevant resources can be found on the PDA website.

For advocacy resources and action alerts, we encourage you to engage with the Office of Public Witness.


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