Get Started

Step 1. Chat with us about your unique situation
We know you’ve got a lot going on, and that every church is different. So we’ve got a helpful staff member available to help you figure out exactly which of our plug-and-play resources you’re going to need to make an Offering happen at your church.
Contact us to start the conversation, and we’ll schedule a quick call. On the call, we’ll show you all the resources we already have available. And we’ll help you create a plan that’ll make participating easy.
Step 2. Schedule a time for us to talk to your leadership.
We'd love to help onboard your leadership for any or all of the offerings. Our staff is available to visit your congregation and connect you with everything you need to have a successful offering season. Let us help you energize your congregation about each Special Offering.
Already know you'd like a visit. Schedule a call now.