Four for Four

Four for Four
What does it mean to be a Four for Four congregation?
By receiving all four of the Special Offerings mandated by the General Assembly:
- One Great Hour of Sharing
- Pentecost
- Peace & Global Witness
- Christmas Joy
Four for Four congregations declare their connection with the ministries of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and join in the efforts of Presbyterians around the corner and around the world to share God's grace and endless love.
Four for Four Map
Is your congregation a Four for Four Congregation? Find out by searching for it on the map. Know you are Four for Four but don't see your congregation on the map? Email us and make sure we have your physical address and not a PO Box.
Become a Four for Four Congregation
To learn more about becoming a Four for Four congregation contact us.
Phone: 800-728-7228 Ext. 5047