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Korea Peace

Every year, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) calls its faith community into a Season of Prayer and Reflection in the Korean Peninsula. The season begins on June 25 and ends on Aug. 15. August 15 marks the day when Korea was liberated from Japan in 1945, and June 25 marks the day officially recognized as the day when the tragic Korean War broke out in 1950. On June 27, 1950, President Truman ordered U.S. air and naval forces to Korea, and the U.S. still maintains 28,000 military troops in South Korea because the war has still not ended.      

Presbyterians have advocated for peace, reunification and denuclearization of the Korean peninsula as recently as the 225th General Assembly (2022). Presbyterians have advocated for replacing the current cease-fire agreement with a permanent peace agreement. Presbyterians have called on the U.S. Congress to end its congressional action that bans U.S. citizens of Korean ancestry from traveling to North Korea to see their families, from whom they have been separated due to the division. 

North Korea is one of the most severely sanctioned countries. Citing the report “The Case Against Economic Sanctions,” which says that “sanctions imposed by the United States on North Korea and Venezuela are estimated to have caused thousands of deaths in those countries due to the disruption in supplies of medicines and other essential goods,” the 225th General Assembly directed the church to review its policy that endorses the use of sanctions to effect change.

These resources are designed to help Presbyterians, churches and mid councils increase their understanding of the conflict on the Korean peninsula, including the factors that get in the way of making peace on the peninsula today; learn about how various entities, including Christian communities, have responded to the situation; and become motivated to contribute to the peace process through worship, prayer and faithful action.

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Give to Building A Culture Of Peace & Nonviolence

This project will enable ministries that assist people of faith with the biblical, theological and practical knowledge necessary for building a culture of peace and nonviolence. Contributions to this project will be used to support faith-based nonviolence training and peace building efforts for youth and young adults. (E051209)