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Observing the Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide


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In 2015, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) observed the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide—the systematic massacre of one and a half million Armenians that began on April 24, 1915, and continued into the early 1920s. The 221st General Assembly (2014) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) called on congregations to remember this event in worship on April 26, 2015 and every April 24 thereafter. This page provides resources for learning more about the Armenian Genocide, as well as suggestions for liturgical commemoration in years to come.

Read the full text of the PC(USA) General Assembly action.


A Genocide Remembered

Additional Resources

News stories:
Jinishian Memorial Program Praises PC(USA) Action Commemorating Armenian Genocide,” July 11, 2014

Suggested websites
Jinishian Memorial Program of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Armenia (Wikipedia)

Armenian Genocide (Wikipedia)

The Genocide Education Project and Facing History and Ourselves have a wealth of resources for students and teachers in public or private schools.

Award-winning documentary, "AGHET," produced in 2010 by German public television. Extensive archival evidence and first-hand witnesses tell the story of the Armenian Genocide.

Recommended Reading

Margaret Ajemian Ahnert, The Knock at the Door: A Journey Through the Darkness of the Armenian Genocide (Beaufort Books, 2007) 
Peter Balakian, Black Dog of Fate: A Memoir, Revised Edition (Basic Books, 2009) 
Marjorie Housepian Dobkin, Smyrna 1922: The Destruction of a City (Faber and Faber, 1972) 
Richard G. Hovannisian, Looking Backward, Moving Forward: Confronting the Armenian Genocide (Transaction Publishers, 2003) 
Henry Morganthau, Ambassador Morganthau's Story (Wayne State University Press, 2003) 
Simpon Payaslian, The History of Armenia (Palgrave Macmillian, 2007) 
Raffi Khatchadourian, “Letter from Turkey: A Century of Silence,” New Yorker Magazine, January 5, 2015

Armenian Genocide 100th Anniversary Commemoration Committee

Rev. Dr. Christine Chakoian, First Presbyterian Church, Lake Forest, IL
Rev. Dr. Vartkes Kassouni, Tustin Presbyterian Church, Tustin, CA
Rev. Jack D. Hodges, The Kairos Group, Portland, OR

Contribute to Jinishian Memorial Program

JMP enables Armenians in need, especially genocide survivors and their descendants, to move from poverty and despair to self-sufficiency and hope--through relief, development and spiritual uplift.