Tyler Holm Prayer Card

Use this card as you pray for mission co-worker Tyler Holm. This card includes a photo and overview of his work. Tyler is a lecturer in systematic theology, church history, and Greek at the University of Livingstonia, which is part of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP). Within the CCAP there is one ordained minister per 6,000 church members. Most of the students will be ordained as teaching elders and all will be future leaders of the church and Malawian society. The University of Livingstonia was established in 2004 and currently has approximately 200 students in its residential, distance learning, and masters’ programs. Tyler emphasizes that his skills in teaching theology are built on an unwavering passion to follow Christ’s call. Tyler lives in Mzuzu, Malawi with his wife Rochelle and daughter Mphatso.
Published Date
Jan 23, 2015