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New resource on Israel-Palestine available

Two-page document explores how Presbyterians can work for peace in the region

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December 18, 2024

Presbyterian News Service

view of City of Bethlehem

As we move into the seasons of Advent Christmas and are once again drawn to the story of events in Bethlehem over 2,000 years ago, we might also spare a moment to consider what is happening there today.  Born under the Roman occupation, Jesus would recognize the fears and anxieties of his Palestinian followers today.  Palestinian Christians who have been witnessing to Jesus’ life, teachings and resurrection for more than 2,000 years feel abandoned by the world, and especially by the United States which continues to provide military aid for the war that is terrorizing them.

Back in September, Presbyterian World Mission gathered some of our Palestinian and other global partners to listen to what they have to say to us and to help us shape a simple resource that could be used in congregations to educate and inform people on the situation and on the ideology of Christian Zionism that is often unconsciously informing our perspective, and to equip congregations to take a stand with our Palestinian partners for the peace with justice that they are seeking. As the Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb, founder and president of Dar al-Kalima University, Bethlehem and one of the consultation participants shared:

“Christian Zionism has been a major theological challenge for the church and a political problem for people all over the world.  As a political lobby that weaponizes the Bible for settler colonialism in Palestine and for Christian nationalism in the U.S. and for populism globally, Christian Zionism is a threat to the gospel as well as to peace and security worldwide. Creating an educational and accessible tool for congregations is therefore an important task. I am glad to see PC(USA) has taken on this issue and I am glad to have been able to contribute to this important endeavor.”

Rev. Philip Woods

The two-page resource describes historical points around Christianity within Palestine, brief theological arguments debunking Christian Zionism, and correlates the Doctrine of Discovery to settler colonialism. It lists ways Presbyterians and others can inform themselves and engage in advocacy efforts and act for justice in the region, including a list of denominational resources available to individuals and congregations, many of which are accessible on PC(USA)’s Israel-Palestine Resource page.

The Rev. Philip Woods, a consultation participant and PC(USA)’s Associate Director for Global Strategy and Programs, noted that elevating our partners’ voices in the region is rooted in Church policy.

“This resource is a by-product of INT-01 from the 225th General Assembly (2022), which calls upon us to lift up the voices of our partners in our advocacy efforts,” said Woods. “In the context of the current Israel-Palestine situation, the resource reflects what our partners are saying to us, appreciative of all we have done, but mindful that not all Presbyterians are aware or as engaged in the situation as our Palestinian partners feel is called for when they are experiencing what is for them an existential crisis of survival as the descendants of the original followers of Jesus.”

The resource, which uses a simple “Did you know?” format is available now here either as an online document or a printable pdf.  


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Temas: Israel and Palestine, Resources