César G. Carhuachín teaches at the Theological Community of Chile (CTE), an ecumenical theological institution with headquarters in Santiago de Chile. It is supported by the Presbyterian Church of Chile and the Presbytery of the Great North.
He has been called to teach biblical studies and theology in this institution founded in 1964. CTE provides an accredited undergraduate theological degree, two diplomas in theology, and two certificates in theology and Bible studies. As a part of its church´s educational commitment, the school offers a Program of Continuing Education, a Diploma in Counseling and Pastoral Accompaniment, theological workshops, lectures, courses for congregational leaders, theological week, conversation tables and conferences.
The Theological Community of Chile offers biblical studies in the original languages and seeks to integrate all theological studies into the context of Chilean society. The faculty and student body come from various Protestant traditions.
Cesar occasionally returns to the U.S. and is available to visit congregations. Email him to extend an invitation to visit your congregation or organization.
Country context
The Captaincy General of Chile was dependent on the Viceroyalty of Perú from the 16th until the 18th century. After several years of trying to establish an independent government, Chile became a new free republic in 1818 under the leadership of Bernardo O´Higgins.
The Presbyterian presence began in 1845 when Rev. David Trumbull, a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary, arrived in Chile “hired by a British trading company as a chaplain to expatriates” in the city of Valparaiso. By the 1850s “he felt led” by the Spirit of God to expand his ministry to the Chileans. After decades of strong relationship with the former Synod of New York, the Presbyterian Church of Chile became a national church in 1964.
In 2024 the Chile's population is estimated to be 20 million which includes Caucasian, Mestizo and Indigenous peoples. Chile is a Latin American country with one of the most stable economies but with social challenges such as unequal educational and health system access. The 2017 census reported a total of 17,574,003 people. Foreigners make up 4.35% of the population and included Argentinians, Bolivians, Peruvians, Colombians, Venezuelans and Haitians. Women head more than 41.6% of households.
Today Roman Catholics comprise around 55% of the population. Around 16% of the population are Protestants. One of the most serious societal problems is the presence of international criminal gangs that traffic drugs and vulnerable young women from unstable countries in the region.
About César
César has invested his life in crossing boundaries to share the good news of God’s love in Jesus Christ. “I received the call of the Lord to the Christian ministry when I was 15 years old,” César says. His young life was shaped by mission trips that took him to places beyond his native city of Lima, Peru. “Those experiences gave me a new vision and understanding of ministry,” he says. “I realized that I could serve God, not just in my home church and city, but out of them as well.”
César’s preparation for ministry took him beyond the borders of Peru. After beginning theological studies in Lima, he moved to Argentina, where he earned a Bachelor of Theology and a Master of Theology from the International Baptist Theological Seminary of Buenos Aires. He also received a Doctorate of Theology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina. After serving congregations in Argentina, he was invited in 1998 to come to Charlotte, N.C., to begin a Hispanic ministry at Hickory Grove Baptist Church.
The Hispanic ministry flourished, and after seven and a half years, the congregation numbered 350 members. César sensed a call to cross a denominational boundary. He was named Coordinator of Hispanic/Latino ministries of the Presbytery of Charlotte in 2005, supporting Hispanic/Latino outreach, and ordained as a PC(USA) Teaching elder in 2006.
In 2013, César sensed God’s hand leading him back to South America to serve the people of Colombia. Immersing himself in the complex social reality of this country has led him to understand the Colombian people better. There he was a PC(USA) mission co-worker teaching Bible and Theology at the Theology program of the Reformed University, leading the Theological research group (OIDHPAZ), editing Palabra y Vida, a yearly online Theological journal and writing academic articles for journals and books. Also, he supported the Presbyterian Church of Colombia with preaching, Bible studies, trainings, workshops and conferences until 2023.
In 2024 César, with his wife Dania’s support, responded with optimism, confidence and hope to the teaching ministry at the Theological Community of Chile, where he will teach Bible and Theology in the institution’s online program. He is glad to support the Presbyterian Church of Chile and the Presbytery of the Great North, where he will help to develop vocational ministries and support congregations there with preaching and administration of sacraments.
As a professor of theology and pastor for several years, César hopes to accompany students as they accomplish their academic goals; inspire and encourage them to follow Jesus Christ every day; work with them to revitalize congregations; encourage them to share the Gospel with the poor, women and migrants who are victims and excluded from the system; and work together with brothers and sisters of other faith communities in the region.
In Chile, many people are searching for meaning in their lives, facing obstacles such as unequal educational opportunities, unequal health care systems and unfair salaries. This may seem to be a contradiction because Chile is a country with economic stability in the region. The challenge is to make prosperity and good quality of life for all.
César has been inspired by Mark 10:45: “The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” “Jesus tells us in this passage that he was, and he is in the world to serve people and to give his life in sacrificial service,” César says. For César, that Scripture is a call to “give my time, gifts, creativity, and whatever I can to enrich, to affirm, and to empower the life and ministry of others.”