Leader Formation

Leader Formation Webinar
Pondering God with Presbyterians: What Do We Believe and Why?
Recording now available
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Investing in Ruling Elders and Deacons
As Christians, we are in a continuous process of growth in relationship with God, each other, and self. This is especially true of those who have been called to service in the ordered ministries of the church. In addition to growing in faith, those who are currently serving, and those preparing to serve, PC(USA) congregations as ruling elders and deacons, with the Holy Spirit, have responsibilities to grow in the leadership specific to their calling.
Ruling elders “are chosen by the congregation to discern and measure its fidelity to the Word of God, and to strengthen and nurture its faith and life” (PC[USA] Book of Order, G-2.0301), while the “ministry of deacons as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ” (G-2.0201). Resources for this ecclesial formation are available here.
Resource Collections
Regarding Ruling Elders
Ruling elders are called to ministry in partnership with teaching elders. Within this calling, ruling elders have responsibilities in several areas of the life of the church, including exercise in leadership, governance, spiritual discernment, and discipline. The 2025 series, "Rooted: The Foundations of Presbyterian Polity," will explore this first section of the PC(USA) Book of Order. The full article archives by topic are available in English, Korean, and Spanish.
Boundary Training
In response to the requirement of all councils, including sessions, to implement policies that include boundary training at least every six months (G-3.0106), resources are available from our partners in the Insurance Board and Praesidium Inc. Please note that most of these trainings are free but the training resources do not use the term “boundary training” in the titles. Rather, they are specific to the types of abuse that the congregation would like to avoid and to recognize when abuse happens.
10 things ruling elders should know
An article published by the Presbyterian Outlook that remains important and timely.
Publications from the PC(USA) Store
Book of Common Worship - Pastoral Edition
In this helpful collection, church leaders will find services and prayers for use at hospital visits, house blessings, times of crisis, wholeness services, at the time of death, and more.
Book of Common Worship - Daily Prayer
This resource provides a basic pattern of prayer that can be used for personal reflection or led in opportunities of household worship, small group gatherings, weekday services, or church meetings and retreats.
Leader Formation Newsletter
The monthly newsletter offers ruling elders and deacons a variety of information, including links to the Regarding Ruling Elders articles as they are released, announcements about upcoming webinars and gatherings, and featured resources.

“Each Christian Has a Calling” Hymn
Written for the 2021 Year of Leader Formation by David Gambrell, PC(USA) Associate for Worship, this hymn affirms the Christian vocation of each member of the church, rooted in our common baptism. The verses, sung in unison, describe the particular forms of service of those called to ordered ministry — as deacons (verse 2), ruling elders (verse 3), and ministers of Word and Sacrament (verse 4). The refrain, sung in harmony, emphasizes the communal nature of Christian ministry.
The tune “Calling” is a David Gambrell original, created for the Year of Leader Formation. The second score is for the familiar tune “Valet will ich dir geben.”
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