Refugees & Asylees
Responding to Historically Low Refugee Admissions
Each year, the president of the United States determines the refugee admissions ceiling. We continue to face one of the worst worldwide refugee crises, thus it is critical that Presbyterians urge for admission of at least the yearly average of 95,000 refugees. Refugee resettlement is an integral part of the ministry of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and many of our partners.

To Breathe Free
Watch the Award-Winning Documentary
To Breathe Free follows the five-year journey of a Syrian family fleeing the war in Homs to the refugee camps in Jordan and starting a new life in Washington, D.C.
Featured Resources and Info
Get the latest information on ways to advocate for refugee resettlement efforts.
Learn more about PDA’s Refugee Ministry
Add these to your Bible Study and Sunday school classes to lift up outreach and advocacy for refugees and asylees
Ways to Act on Behalf of Refugees
Here are resources that can assist you learn about the refugee crisis worldwide and how you can act on behalf of refugees.
Refugee Council USA
Refugee Council USA (RCUSA) provides resources about refugee resettlement advocacy and about the refugee crisis.
Church World Service
Church World Service has a robust advocacy platform designed to support refugee voices worldwide; and many Presbyterian Churches work with Church World Service local affiliates.
Global Refuge
Global Refuge (formerly Lutheran Immigrant and Refugee Services) has been welcoming refugees for over 80 years. They offer a variety of advocacy resources to engage locally and nationally.
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Worldwide - Protocol on the Status of Refugees
UNHCR, the U.N. Refugee Agency, is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights and building a better future for people forced to flee their homes because of conflict and persecution. The Convention and Protocol defines “refugee” and establishes how member nations are to treat refugees.
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - Latest Figures
The UNHCR offers up-to-date figures on the status of refugees around the world. 117.3 million people worldwide were forcibly displaced
at the end of 2023 as a result of persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations, or events seriously disturbing public order.
Refugee Admissions to the U.S.
The president of the United States determines how many refugees can be admitted during the next fiscal year each September. This nation has resettled as many as 207,000 refugees in years of crisis. Our recent numbers, regardless of suffering around the world, have hovered below 100,000. We can and should advocate each September for a more robust welcome for our siblings facing persecution in their home countries.
Church World Service - Get Involved
Church World Service (CWS) is one national agency that assists in the resettlement process. The PC(USA) has had an ongoing relationship with CWS since the late 1940s. CWS has affiliate agencies across the U.S. doing the grassroots work of resettling refugees into their new homes in America. Learn more about CWS and how you assist with refugee resettlement in or near your hometown.
Global Refuge - Get Involved
Global Refuge offers a variety of ways to engage in the work of welcome.