Intergenerational Mission
When all generations participate in mission together, it leads to a portrait of mission that becomes part of the identity of every age and stage of your congregation. It communicates that mission has no boundary of life stage but is rather part of lifelong faith formation. Intergenerational mission isn’t easy, and it will take a little more legwork to sort out some of the logistics, but in the end, it invites all to serve Christ and, in doing so, demonstrates that we can all serve and love our neighbors together.

This toolkit can help you begin the process of the logistic involved in intergenerational mission. You can start with all church gatherings in your building or even in homes. You can also jump right into a trip where you partner with an agency in your community, state, or even across the country. No matter what model you choose, there are many things to consider. We hope this toolkit can get you started!
We encourage you to start with the “why” of intergenerational mission.
Then, dive into the rest of the toolkit as you develop this ministry in your own context.

Intergenerational mission experiences can happen from our churches or even from our homes. These resources will help you plan experiences for all ages.
Intergenerational Mission Experiences at Home
Mission and Service Gatherings for the Whole Church
What is Mission? An Intergenerational Experience
Matthew 25 and Intergenerational Community
Are you wondering where to start in your planning or what to include? These resources help answer these questions.
Elements of an Intergenerational Mission Trip
Intergenerational Mission Trip Planning Timeline
Covenant Writing for Intergenerational Mission Activities