basket holiday-bow
Acerca de la IP (EE. UU.)

¿Qué le llama Dios a hacer? ¿Con qué dones se le ha bendecido? ¿Qué le interesa? ¿Qué le inspira? Nuestra solicitud de beca pide a los estudiantes que piensen en la vocación, e invita a líderes y mentores de la iglesia a que ayuden a los estudiantes a reconocer sus dones. Servimos a las personas miembro de la iglesia y a estudiantes que se preparan para una carrera en el ministerio con la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.). En este trabajo respondemos a las prioridades de lucha contra la pobreza y el racismo establecidas por la agencia administrando programas de ayuda basados en las necesidades y proporcionando ayuda adicional a las personas de color a través de subvenciones suplementarias.

Programas que aceptan solicitudes

Las solicitudes de ayuda estudiantil en línea están respaldadas por Kaleidoscope. Una vez presentada la solicitud de la IP (EE. UU.), estudiantes podrán optar a los programas de becas ofrecidos por aliados de Kaleidoscope.

What is God calling you to do? What gifts have you been blessed with? What are you interested in? What inspires you? Our scholarship application asks students to think about vocation, and invites church leaders and mentors to help students recognize their gifts. We serve church members, distributing $460,000 in aid to 100 students each year. In this work we respond to the anti-poverty and anti-racism priorities set by the agency by administrating need-based aid programs and providing additional aid to people of color through supplemental grants.

Have you been called to prepare for a career in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)? We serve church members attending seminary in the United States, distributing $640,000 in aid to 100 students each year. In this work we respond to the anti-poverty and anti-racism priorities set by the agency by administrating need-based aid programs and providing additional aid to people of color through supplemental grants. Students seeking a Master's of Divinity degree must be under care of Presbytery.

Over 100 years ago, Samuel Robinson boarded a ship bound for the United States with a copy of the Westminister Shorter Catechism to read during his journey. Grounded in faith, he considered the WSC his touchstone and created an endowment to encourage students attending Presbyterian-related colleges and universities to memorize the Westminister Shorter Catechism.

The Theresa Mumford Award was created to honor the memory of Theresa Mumford by supporting girls from Brantley County, Georgia, who have been orphaned with assistance to attend college. Eligible applicants are orphaned girls, under the age of 18, from Brantley County, Georgia. If there are no eligible applicants from Brantley County, applicants will be considered from the counties bordering Brantley County.

Planificación financiera universitaria


Averiguar cómo pagar la universidad puede ser difícil y desalentador. La herramienta de planificación financiera universitaria le ayudará a comprender los costes de la universidad, el rendimiento probable de su inversión en educación y las opciones para ayudarle con el coste.

Para utilizar la herramienta, visite College Financial Planning en PeopleJoy. Deberá proporcionar una dirección de correo electrónico y utilizar este código de autorización: FAFS

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