En el último día de su trabajo pre-plenario, el Comité sobre Política aprobó dos acciones para que la Asamblea Plenaria las considerara.
중간공의회 위원회는 마지막 날 제 225회 총회 안건에 대해 시간을 많이 들여 재심의했고 전날 17-14로 부결되었던 헌의안을 최종적으로 승인했다.
El Comité de Concilios Intermedios pasó la mayor parte de su último día de trabajo en la 225ª Asamblea General reconsiderando y finalmente aprobando una obertura que había desaprobado por una votación de 17-14 el día anterior.
이틀 간의 위원회 업무를 마친 후, 신학, 예배 및 교육 (TWE) 위원회는 총회 사역의 마지막 날에는 부담이 덜한 안건들을 다루었다.
Después de completar dos días completos de trabajo del comité, el Comité de Teología, Adoración y Educación (TWE por sus siglas en inglés) se enfrentó a una agenda más ligera, si no menos importante, en su día final de trabajo de la Asamblea.
The Synod of the Sun announces that the Rev. Kathy Lee-Cornell will become the director of the Synod Partnership for Disaster Recovery.
A rainstorm exposed a Virginia church’s brick wall built by slaves, and the church is repenting of its past and seeking to make amends.
When Ruling Elder Elona Street-Stewart and the Rev. Gregory Bentley, Co-Moderators of the 224th General Assembly (2020), first touched down in Louisville on June 24, 2020, to preside at the first-ever fully online General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), little did they know that they’d be returning to the same spot two years later for another historic first.
Sticking with its first-day precedent, the Polity Committee voted to approve a single item of business, disapproving the others on its agenda. Two disapproved items added comments — one urging partnership with historically Black congregations, the other recommending work by the Mid Councils Committee.
A spirited dialogue around three separate items calling for the possible addition of a new statement to the Book of Confessions dominated the Tuesday morning agenda of the Committee on Theology, Worship and Education, while a report and recommendations from the General Assembly Special Committee to Study the Reformed Perspective of Christian Education in the 21st Century took up the lion’s share of the afternoon.