In an all-too-unfortunate but timely manner, commissioners and Young Adult Advisory Delegates serving on the Addressing Violence in the U.S. Committee will have several items to consider when it meets at this month’s 225th General Assembly in Louisville. Nearly half of the overtures address gun violence specifically.
Presbyterian Publishing Corporation announced Wednesday that it will donate royalties from sales of the Glory to God hymnal to organizations involved in reparative justice for every African American spiritual and Indigenous Peoples' song in the book. This is being done to honor the creators of these songs, who, unlike other hymn writers in the book, were never able to benefit from their creations.
Before Kevin Riley got clean and sober, he found himself at the former site of Trinity Presbyterian Church, which is now home to a nondenominational church in Sedro Wooley, Washington, a town about an hour north of Seattle.
Before Kevin Riley got clean and sober, he found himself at the former site of Trinity Presbyterian Church, which is now home to a nondenominational church in Sedro Wooley, Washington, a town about an hour north of Seattle.
Jerome Zamgba will tell you that he has always been a compassionate and empathetic person.
루이빌 -올 여름 미국장로교 제 225 회 총회에서 사역 조정위원회는 LGBTQIA+ 형평성 옹호위원회를 만들 것인지, 제 226 차 총회를 대면 혹은 다른 방식으로 열 것인지를 검토할 것이다.
Cuando la 225ª Asamblea General de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.) se reúna este verano, el Comité de Coordinación del Ministerio considerará una serie de cuestiones, incluida la creación de un Comité de Defensa de la Equidad LGBTQIA+ y si la 226ª Asamblea General debe celebrarse en persona o en otro formato.
When the 225th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) convenes this summer, the Ministry Coordination Committee will consider a host of issues, including whether to create an LGBTQIA+ Equity Advocacy Committee and whether the 226th GA should be held in person or in another format.
신학교육, 고등교육, 출판자료, 출판국 문서, 규례서 예배모범 수정안 심의. 이 모든 것을 다루어야 하기에, 신학, 예배 및 교육 위원회의 안건목록은 넘치도록 꽉 차 있다. 이 위원회는 올여름 최초로 하이브리드로 열리는 미국장로교 총회의 첫번째 회의 기간에 모이게 된다.
Como el comité de la Asamblea encargado de todos los asuntos relacionados con la educación teológica, la educación superior, los recursos publicados, el trabajo del Presbyterian Publishing Corporation y la consideración de las enmiendas propuestas al Directorio de Adoración del Libro de Orden, el Comité de Teología, Adoración y Educación (TWE) abordará un orden del día muy apretado cuando la primera ola de comités en persona se reúna aquí durante la primera Asamblea General híbrida de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.) este verano.