Durante la tercera y última sesión plenaria del día de apertura de la 225ª Asamblea General, comisionados y delegados asesores completaron sus respuestas a las preguntas del Comité de Representación de la Asamblea General (GACOR),
El Rvdo. Gregory Bentley dinamizó el culto de apertura de la 225ª Asamblea General con un mensaje ardiente y provocador sobre la necesidad de pasar de la religiosidad a la rectitud.
Después de un breve retraso el viernes por la mañana provocado por fallas de audio, el Rvdo. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson II, Secretario Permanente de la Asamblea General de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.), dijo al anfitrión de GA Live Fred Tangeman que está agotado y con esperanzas de dirigirse a la 225ª Asamblea General, que comienza el sábado con la adoración de apertura, tres sesiones plenarias y la elección de co-moderadores.
Desde su símbolo compartido del pájaro Sankofa hasta los mensajes de descolonización, pertenencia y aceptación de la invitación de Mateo 25, los co-moderadores de la 224 a Asamblea General pronunciaron un discurso de despedida el sábado por la mañana a través de GA Live, transmitido aquí a las 10 en punto cada mañana de la Asamblea.
Fresh from preaching the opening service of the 225th General Assembly — with hundreds of worshipers scattered in locations throughout the Presbyterian Center and hundreds more joining via livestream from across the U.S. and around the world — the Rev. Gregory Bentley, Co-Moderator of the 224th General Assembly, stepped behind the lectern with Co-Moderator Elona Street-Stewart to inaugurate the newly renovated conference center with the first items of Assembly business.
제225회 총회 개회일의 세 번째이자 마지막 순서였던 본회의에서 총회 대의원과 자문단은 총회 대표성 위원회가 제시한 질문들에 대답했고 융자국의 영상 설명을 들었으며, 청소년 자문단과 선교 동역자들에 대한 위임 예배를 마쳤다.
The Rev. Gregory Bentley energized the opening worship of the 225th General Assembly with a fiery and provocative message on the need to move from religiosity to righteousness.
Bentley, Co-Moderator of the 224th General Assembly, began his message by likening today’s society to the one described in Micah in which God has “filed a lawsuit against the people of Judah for breach of covenant” after becoming tired of “their mean and messy and misery-inducing ways.”
Muchos roles de personal y voluntarios en la 225th Asamblea General son bien conocidos por los presbiterianos: Secretario permanente. Parlamentario. Co-moderadores
From their shared symbol of the Sankofa bird to messages of decolonizing and belonging and embracing the Matthew 25 invitation, the Co-Moderators of the 224th General Assembly delivered a valedictory address Saturday morning via GA Live, broadcast here at 10 o’clock each morning of the Assembly.
루이빌 — 그들이 공유했던 산코파 새의 상징에서부터 탈식민지화, 그리고 마태복음 25장의 초대에의 소속과 포용에 이르기까지, 제224회 총회의 공동 총회장은 토요일 아침 GA Live를 통해 중계된 고별사를 전했다. GA Live는 총회 기간 매일 아침 10시 여기서 방송된다.