In a time of tight budgets and a shaky stock market, most people are watching their dollars and cents very carefully. But for the Special Offering Leader Support Network, dreams and a little bit of faith can go a long way.
Returning to a tradition begun in 1993 by Rev. Dr. Jack Rogers—seminary professor emeritus, acclaimed author, and former moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)—seminary students will once again walk the hallowed corridors of the General Assembly in search of wisdom.
2011년 장로교 패널 설문 조사 결과가 발표된 이후로, “오직 예수 그리스도를 따르는 자들만 구원 받을 수 있다”는 진술에 대한 반응과 관련하여 장로교 전체 안에 많은 질문들이 회자되었다.
장 로교 패널은 거의 2,000명의 장로교인—평신도, 장로, 목사, 특수 목회자—샘플로 구성되어 있으며, 이들은 3년의 기간 동안 장로교 패널을 섬기면서 1년에 네 번에 걸쳐 우편으로 발송되는 질문지들에 응답한다. 장로교 패널은 장로교인들의 일반적 관행 (practices)과 신앙 (beliefs)과 의견들(opinions)에 대해 듣고 그것들에 대한 정보를 모으는 한 방법을 제공해 준다.
Baptism is one of two sacraments practiced by Presbyterians; Communion is the other. The act of baptism is deceptively simple—but in a handful of water, there is a deep well of mystery and meaning.
In baptism, we are called to a new way of life as Christ’s disciples, sharing the good news of the gospel with all the world.
How do filmmakers explore spiritual and moral values? What does a film say about our place in the cosmos? Are issues of ethics and social conflict dealt with realistically? Are the characters well-rounded ones who struggle with their decisions? Are violence and sex seen as complex, rather than in black and white terms and potentially deadening to the soul? Does a film show the consequences of violence and sometimes even suggest an alternative?
Three new resources for Lent are now available from Westminster John Knox Press. These books provide a fresh perspective for the season, allowing you to reflect and connect in a new way.
PMA를 심사하는 임무를 맡은 미국 장로교 총회 위원회는 PMA에 상당한 변화들을 추천하면서 제 222차 미국 장로교 총회에 최종 보고서를 제출했다.
위원회는 보고서의 요약 부분에서 “하나님은 자신들의 다양한 역량 안에서 교회를 섬기도록 부름 받았다고 느끼는 재능있고 충실한 PMA 에 속한 많은 종들을 통해 교회를 축복해 오셨습니다. 그들의 수고는 최근의 전환들 및 논쟁들에 비추어 볼때에 더욱 칭송할만한 것들입니다”라고 말했다.
Heath Rada, Moderator of the 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), is extending his “Call to the Church” to locations around the country. Rada hopes to continue dialog fostered by the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly (COGA) survey prepared following his October 2015 appeal to the PC(USA) to consider the shape and form of its future ministry. (Spanish and Korean versions included.)
What does it take to grow a good idea into a great one? For the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Presbytery of the Northwest Coast it meant combining a proven conference format with inspirational stories of innovation, and sharing it as widely as possible.
In response to a directive from the 220th General Assembly (2012) the offices of Immigration Issues and Theology and Worship of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) are holding a three-day Immigration Consultation in St. Petersburg, Fla., called “Being Church Together.”