The Presbyterian Disaster Assistance National Response Team gathers this week in Jacksonville, Fla., to consider adding a group of new members. The so-called “Discernment Weekend” is an opportunity for those interested in serving communities impacted by disaster to determine if they are physically, emotionally and spiritually committed to the work.
Creciendo a las afueras de Chicago, fui y sigo siendo hoy, un ávido fanático de los cachorros de Chicago. Temprano aprendí que viviendo a mí alrededor había dos tipos de fanáticos del béisbol, los fanáticos de los cachorros de Chicago y los aficionados de las medias blancas de Chicago. Era un equipo u otro, a pesar de que ambos equipos eran de la misma ciudad.
Presbyterian pastor and teacher Rebecca Kirkpatrick has written a new book that guides leaders and parents through the key topics children growing up in the church should be taught. In 100 Things Every Child Should Know before Confirmation, Kirkpatrick provides an overview of one hundred essential topics with suggestions for how educators and parents can explore each item with their children.
Es un año nuevo, ¡2016! Un nuevo comienzo simbólico donde hay borrón y cuenta nueva, comenzamos de nuevo. Algunos de nosotros/as prevé el acontecimiento de cosas maravillosas, una boda, el nacimiento de un bebé, un nuevo trabajo o casa, ir a la universidad, graduarse, retirarse, y la lista continúa.
Hubo muchos de nosotros que fuimos a ver la nueva película de Stars Wars, La Fuerza se Despierta. Kathy y yo siempre nos acordamos de nuestra primera película de Stars Wars cuando llevamos a nuestro hijo de seis semanas de edad al teatro de $2 en Saugus, Massachusetts. Nos impresionó la clase de imaginación que tuvo George Lucas para crear la película.
장로교인들이 오바마 대통령과 행정부에 중앙 아메리카에서 온 어머니들 및 어린이들에 대한 무단 침입과, 그들의 구류, 그리고 생명의 위협을 받는 상황으로 그들을 다시 돌려보내는 추방을 중단해 줄 것을 담대하고 분명한 어조로 요청하고 있다.
미국 장로교 정서기로서 내가 오늘 이 글을 쓰는 이유는 피난처를 찾아 우리 국경에 들어온 사람들에 대한 이 나라의 의무가 무엇인지를 여러분에게 알리고, 또한 추방 명령을 받은 난민 신청 가족들의 가정에 침입하는 것을 멈추도록 촉구하기 위함입니다.
Presbyterian Mission Agency staff received an update on life in Sierra Leone, post-Ebola this week. Two people, one who lives and works in the troubled country and another who works there, spent several days with staff in Louisville, reporting on the physical, psychological and economic health of the country, where more than 8,000 Ebola cases were confirmed and nearly 3,600 people died.
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is considered the most influential African-American leader of the Civil Rights era. He was America’s pre-eminent advocate for non-violence, and for 13 years in the mid-1950s and 60s, led the country’s Civil Rights movement. Throughout the country he’s honored with streets, highways and buildings named after him, and has a memorial on Independence Mall in Washington, D.C. He played a pivotal role in ending the legal segregation of African Americans in the south, is a Nobel Peace Prize winner and is honored with a national holiday.
El Comité de la Asamblea General de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.A.) con la tarea de revisar la Agencia Presbiteriana de Misión (APM) ha presentado su informe final a la 222da Asamblea General (2016), recomendando cambios significativos a la agencia.
"Dios ha bendecido la iglesia con muchos/as siervos/as talentosos/as y fieles en la APM que se sienten llamados/as a ministrar a la iglesia en sus diferentes capacidades. Su trabajo es más admirable a la luz de las recientes controversias y las transiciones”, indicó el comité en su resumen ejecutivo.