The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) General Assembly committee tasked with reviewing the Presbyterian Mission Agency (PMA) has submitted its final report to the 222nd General Assembly (2016), recommending significant changes to the agency.
“God has blessed the church with many talented and faithful servants at the PMA who feel called to minister with the church in their various capacities. Their hard work is all the more admirable in light of recent transitions and controversies,” the committee said in its executive summary.
For the Rev. Jesse Larson, a treasured gift from his father was exactly the right gift to quite literally show and tell his congregation about Epiphany—about Christ as God’s gift of grace and salvation for all persons.
It’s never too early to develop a heart for mission. Just ask Isabelle and Katherine Adams.
Four years ago, at the precocious ages of eight and five, they learned some painful realities about our world. Rather than attend school, many girls in developing countries spend time hauling water for their families. In dry seasons this entails lengthy roundtrips, multiple times per day. The very water they work so hard to retrieve is often unclean, causing the death of a child every 15 seconds.
President Barack Obama’s executive actions to take on America’s gun violence problem are getting high marks from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Office of Public Witness. In a statement released after the president’s address, the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, director of the OPW, said the president demonstrated that abundant living is grounded in a feeling of being safe and secure and that people must have the courage to implement its requirements.
우리는 새 해 2016년을 맞이했다. 과거의 실수들을 청산하고 새롭게 시작하는 상징성을 띄고 있는 새로운 출발점이다. 어떤 사람들은 멋진 일들이 일어날 것을 고대하고 있을 것이다. 결혼, 아기의 출생, 새로운 직장이나 집, 대학 입학, 졸업, 은퇴…
많은 사람들이 The Force Awakens라는 제목이 붙은 새 스타워즈 영화를 보았다. 캐티와 나는 첫 번째 스타워즈 영화를 보러갔던 때를 기억하고 있다. 그 때 우리는 태어난 지 6주 밖에 되지 않은 아들을 데리고 매사츄세츠의 Saugus라는 도시에 있는 극장에 갔으며 가격은 2불이었다. 우리는 그 영화를 만든 조지 루카스의 상상력에 감탄을 금하지 못했다.
Beginning January 5 and leading up to national Human Trafficking Awareness Day on January 11, members of the PC(USA) Human Trafficking Roundtable are calling all Presbyterians to prayer and action to end the scourge of human trafficking.
The largest gathering of college-aged individuals in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) just set a new attendance record. More than 1,100 students, educators and ministry staff attended the annual New Year’s gathering at Montreat Conference Center. The theme for this year’s College Conference, which wrapped up today, was “Faith in 3:16.”
For more than a quarter of a century, the Rev. Robert F. (Bob) Smylie was the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) eyes and ears at the United Nations. His passion for international relations work made him a valuable resource for the church over the years. The long-serving minister died December 19, 2015 at the age of 87.
As of January 1, 2016, the 120-year old Presbyterian Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study is available exclusively online. A Presbyterian Mission Agency press release issued in August said, “This move broadens the reach of the book’s audience by sharing its inspiring content in a timelier manner and also demonstrates good stewardship of church resources.”