Prepared by chaplains Bonita Barnes and James Ryan, this worship liturgy provides a thorough how-to guide for any congregations wishing to offer healing and restoration to their returning veterans—and to themselves.
Prepared by Rev. Raymond Hayes and retired military chaplain Brenson Bishop, this foot-washing service is a rite of passage from the past into the present for returning veterans. This is a great resource and template for any congregations wishing to offer healing and restoration to their returning veterans—and to themselves.
The changing face of how mission is funded. This is a video of a w.ebinar held March 22, 2013.
This is a downloadable version of the mission network listing.
La Oficina de la Asamblea General ha visto un aumento en el número de indagaciones sobre materiales impresos fuera de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (E.U.A.), que se están distribuyendo en nuestras congregaciones y que atribuyen a la Iglesia Presbiteriana (E.U.A.) creencias y estándares que pretenden demostrar que la iglesia ya no es digna de apoyo. En los últimos años la lista de distorsiones ha variado poco y la mayoría se han contestado en detalle en la prensa religiosa, en documentos de estudio adoptados por la iglesia o por acción específica de la Asamblea General.[i] Siempre que es posible, la Oficina de la Asamblea General responde a quienes indagan sobre conclusiones específicas extraidas de estos documentos dirigiéndoles hacia recursos que brindan una visión más amplia de los asuntos.
Doug Tilton currently serves as regional liaison for Southern Africa, helping to strengthen the mutual ministries of the PC(USA) and its partner churches and institutions in six countries: Lesotho, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Regional liaisons are in regular contact with the PC(USA)’s partners, exploring ways of working together and building the capacity of the global church to bear witness to the good news of Christ’s redeeming love for all humanity. Doug also provides support for other PC(USA) mission personnel in the region and helps to connect PC(USA) presbyteries and congregations with their counterparts in Southern Africa.
Life in a 5th Wheel RV Trailer
Through Hope for Life Chapel new worshiping community leader ministers to people in need in RV Park
The Book of Order, Part II of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) contains The Foundations of Presbyterian Polity, The Form of Government, Directory for Worship, and Rules of Discipline.
Print/CD Rom copies available for purchase:
You can download:
Book of Order in English
Book of Order en Español (PDF)
The Book of Order in Korean (PDF)
Download the flier for the National Multicultural Church Conference at Big Tent
Enjoy and share this poster/flier with 25 years of Presbyterian Women's history.
Note: This document is set up as an 11'' x 17'' file.