Cuando el Comité de la Oficina de la Asamblea General (COGA por sus siglas en inglés) comenzó a planificar la 224ª Asamblea General en 2020, vieron dos desafíos distintos que convergían para las personas de color que participaban en la Asamblea.
Saving its prickliest items of business for the final day, the Moving Forward/Vision 2020 Committee voted Saturday to recommend moving Mission Engagement and Support into the Administrative Services Group and dividing unrestricted bequests and gifts of any size between the Presbyterian Mission Agency and the Office of the General Assembly at a 70/30 distribution rate. Commissioners to the 225th General Assembly will act on those recommendations in plenary next week.
Guardando sus asuntos más dificiles para el último día, el Comité Avance/Visión 2020 votó el sábado para recomendar el traslado del Compromiso y Apoyo de la Misión al Grupo de Servicios Administrativos y dividir los legados y donaciones sin restricciones de cualquier tamaño entre la Agencia Presbiteriana de Misión y la Oficina de la Asamblea General a una tasa de distribución de 70/30. Los comisionados de la 225a Asamblea General actuarán sobre esas recomendaciones en el pleno la próxima semana.
As the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly (COGA) started planning the 224th General Assembly in 2020, they saw two distinct challenges converging for people of color participating in the Assembly.
마지막에 가장 까다로운 안건을 다루기로 한, 총회 미래구상 특별위원회는 선교 참여 지원 부서를 행정서비스 그룹으로 그 소속을 옮기고, 또 비제한 기금을 선교국과 총회사무국 간에 70/30의 비율로 나누는 것에 대해 지난 토요일에 투표했다. 제 225회 대의원들은 다음 주의 본회의에서 이 건의안에 대해 다루게 된다.
A lo largo del trabajo de la mañana, el Vice Moderador del Comité de Recursos Financieros, Felipe Martínez aligeró el ambiente y ganó tiempo para las actualizaciones de PC-Biz contando "historias de donas" y haciendo alusiones a las donas (consulte # DonutThursday para ver un ejemplo, o la pila de cajas vacías de Krispy Kreme en el área de bienvenida del Centro Presbiteriano).
오전 업무 시간 내내, 재정 자원위원회의 부의장인 펠리페 마르티네즈는 "도넛 이야기"를 나누고 도넛 풍자를 활용함으로써, 회의 분위기를 밝게 하고 PC-Biz를 업데이트할 시간을 벌었다. (예컨대 #DonutThursday를 보라고 한다든지, 웰컴 데스크에 쌓여 있는 빈 크리스피크림 도넛 상자들을 보라고 하는 식이었다).
Throughout the morning’s work, the Financial Resources Committee Vice Moderator Felipe Martinez lightened the mood and bought time for PC-Biz updates by telling “donut stories” and making donut allusions (see #DonutThursday for an example, or the stack of empty Krispy Kreme boxes in the welcome area of the Presbyterian Center).
During closing worship Friday at the Presbyterian Association of Musicians’ Worship and Music Conference, the Rev. Aisha Brooks-Johnson encouraged those present, in person and online, to become advocates for healing.
The Ministry Coordination Committee voted Friday to recommend that the next General Assembly be conducted in a hybrid format with online committee meetings and in-person plenaries.