Columbia Theological Seminary will cover the full cost of tuition and fees for all Black students who apply and are admitted to the seminary’s masters-level programs, the seminary announced Tuesday in a news release.
The PC(USA)’s Office of Public Witness has issued a statement decrying the use of heavy-handed tactics to control protesters and criticizing the passage of laws limiting the right to protest.
미국장로교가 COVID-19 바이러스의 결과로 금요일에 사망한 은퇴 목사이자 작가, 총기 폭력 예방 운동가 짐 애트우드 목사의 죽음을 애도하고 있다.
When General Assembly Co-Moderators Ruling Elder Elona Street-Stewart and the Rev. Gregory Bentley were elected on Saturday, June 20, they were immediately given the option of moderating the first-ever, fully-online 224th General Assembly (2020) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) from their respective homes in the upper Midwest and the Southeast.
In light of what New Way podcast host the Rev. Sara Hayden describes as “the new round of organizing, strategy and action sparked by the most recent, shocking, continual — and yet unsurprising — anti-Black violence of our time,” the podcast of the 1001 New Worshiping Communities movement has begun a new season focused on racial injustice and faith.
A webinar posted last week by three ministries of the Presbyterian Mission Agency speaks to the announcement expected Wednesday that Israel will, with the blessing of U.S. government officials, annex about 30 percent of the territory of the West Bank, which would affect about 750,000 Palestinians living in land occupied by Israel since the 1967 Middle East war.
La Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.) está de luto por la pérdida del pastor retirado, autor y defensor de la prevención de la violencia con armas de fuego, el reverendo Jim Atwood, que murió el viernes como resultado del virus COVID-19.
총회 막후에서 일한 긴 경력의 지도자, 기술자, 개인 등의 핵심 그룹이 장로교 센터의 대형 회의실에 모여 처음으로 온라인 집회 모임의 활기를 불어넣었다.
Desde hace dos semanas, un grupo clave de líderes, técnicos e individuos con un largo historial de trabajo entre bastidores de la Asamblea General, se han reunido en una gran sala de conferencias en el Centro Presbiteriano para dar vida por primera vez a una reunión de asamblea en línea.
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is mourning the loss of retired pastor, author, and gun violence prevention advocate the Reverend Jim Atwood, who died on Friday as a result of the COVID-19 virus.