Los niños que vendrán a Baltimore para la Gran Carpa este verano recibirán una muestra del campamento de la iglesia. Hay planes en marcha para ofrecer una experiencia de campamento para la niñez de 6 a 17 años.
"Tendremos manualidades, devocionales, cantos y juegos. Nos aseguraremos de que recibamos algo de sol y aire fresco ", dijo Colleen Earp, directora de campamento. "Estamos planificando tener unos riquísimos s’mores. Todo esto será en el Hotel Lord Baltimore, donde se llevará a cabo la Gran Carpa".
Children coming to Baltimore for Big Tent this summer will get a sample of church camp. Plans are underway to offer a camp experience for ages 6 to 17.
“We’ll have arts and crafts, devotions, singing, and games. We will make sure we get some sunshine and fresh air,” said Colleen Earp, camp director. “We are working on plans for some rooftop s’mores. All of this will be in the Lord Baltimore Hotel where Big Tent is happening.”
During opening worship at the East Coast Vital Congregations gathering at Atlanta’s First Presbyterian Church, the Rev. Amantha Barbee told nearly 100 mid council and other church leaders that if they want a vital congregation, they should “tell the truth, listen, take risks and above all preach the gospel.”
루이빌 — 월요일은 장로교 회중과 중간공의회가 주변 세상에서 적극적으로 참여하도록 권유하는 운동인 마태복음 25장 초대장의 공식 킥오프로, 초대장이 현재 활성화 되어있는 웹사이트는 다음을 말한다, "우리의 신앙이 살아나고 우리는 새로운 가능성에 깨어납니다."
This summer Holmes Camp & Retreat Center in New York will offer a week-long camp experience for LGBTQ+ students and their allies designed to build an atmosphere of trust and support.
Through world wars, the Cold War and current affairs, people in the United States have heard a lot about Russia — its government in particular.
I recently read a sermon by a friend from seminary detailing a harrowing time when insomnia led to migraines, which led to hallucinations, which led to a diagnosis of mental illness. My friend drew on Jesus’ healing of the demoniac in Mark’s Gospel, and explained that Jesus, today, used medical professionals, effective drugs and sabbath rest to return her to health.
I was always proud to be a preacher’s kid. Growing up in Arkansas and Texas, it surprised many people when I told them my mother was the preacher, not my father. These types of exchanges certainly came with many puzzled looks.
이민문제 활동가인 라비 라그비르Ravi Ragbir는 그를 추방하려는 최근 계속된 합법적인 분쟁에서 상당한 승리를 거두었다. 맨하튼의 제2순회 항소 법원은 제1수정안의 권리가 미국 이민 및 세관 관리국(ICE)의 자유 언론에 대한 보복으로 추방을 집행함을 막을 수 있는지 여부를 고려하도록 하위 법원에게 명령했다.
Ragbir는 이민자들의 권리를 위해 수년 동안 광범위하게 로비 해 왔으며 개인과 가족을 추방하기 위한 ICE의 노력에 반대하여 매우 목소리를 높였다.
Immigration activist Ravi Ragbir won a significant victory recently in the continuing legal battle over efforts to have him deported. The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan ordered a lower court to consider whether his First Amendment rights can prevent U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from focusing on deportation as retaliation for free speech.
Ragbir has lobbied extensively over the years for immigrants’ rights and has been very vocal in his opposition to ICE efforts to deport individuals and families.